- Promote an understanding of online and hybrid courses among CCAS faculty
- Assist CCAS faculty who want to embark on reaching students online and through hybrid courses
- Develop a community among CCAS faculty who want to enhance teaching effectiveness via new(er) technologies
- Determine the extent of technology deployment by CCAS faculty and recommend ways to improve and expand technology-enabled education
Why teach an online or hybrid class?
- Flexibility for you
- Flexibility for students
- Class can continue despite illness or bad weather
- Class can continue even if you are traveling
- Students can work at their own pace
- listen to lectures as often as they want
- compose more thoughtful responses to class discussions
- All students have to engage
- Educause Center for Applied Research survey found nearly 60 percent of undergraduates said they learned more in classes that had online components
- Engage with new technology - 21st century life skills
- Reach more nontraditional students
- Next generation of undergraduate and graduate students may expect this option!
- Can build an online/hybrid class using Blackboard platform – you already know most of this!
Samples of Online & Hybrid Programs at GW
https://online.gwu.edu/ including
Online Course Guides for Faculty
A Blackboard course template for online classes is available and can be received after attending the orientation workshops for online teaching. For those who can't attend the workshops but want access to the template, please contact ITL at itl@gwu.edu.