FY25 Note: All expenses on awards must be submitted via Concur no later than April 25th, 2025 to ensure timely Year-End processing deadlines. Any individuals paid on the award must complete their work prior to April 1st to ensure that payments post on time. To be considered for funding in FY25, applications must be submitted no later than April 15th, 2025.
The CCAS Nick-of-Time Impact Microgrant program, which was launched in Fall 2016, is intended to help stimulate research and scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and the sciences. Each micro-award (up to $1,000 maximum) will be offered on a rotating basis throughout the calendar year. Submissions will be reviewed monthly by the CCAS Research Advisory Council, and awards will be granted on a competitive basis. All regular faculty who are actively engaged in research and scholarship are encouraged to apply. Support will be given to a variety of endeavors, including (but not limited to) subvention expenses, research assistance/support, editorial work on grants, books, etc., upcoming research related travel (to be completed by June 1st of the current academic year), and research materials. The program will not help underwrite conferences or workshops that faculty are organizing, nor will it support course-buyouts and conference travel. A faculty member is limited to receiving only one micro-grant per year. Funds for the program are limited and when an annual allocation is exhausted, the CCAS faculty will be promptly notified.
Faculty interested in receiving funds should submit a 1-2 page proposal in one pdf file via this form. The file should be named in the format NT_LastName.pdf, and contains the following three items:
- Faculty Name, Department, and Academic Rank
- Rationale for the Request. Please be specific. Demonstrate how the financial support will impact your research and scholarship, and what the possible outcomes might be. Please note that the clarity of the rationale is considered when the requests are evaluated. Bear in mind that the reviewers will likely not have extensive knowledge of the field of inquiry being described. Using language appropriate for the educated lay reader is critical to the success of a proposal, regardless of the discipline or the technical nature of the research. As necessary (depending on the nature of what is being requested), applicants should include:
a) Objectives/Specific Aims/Contribution
b) Background/Significance/ Work Plan/Goals
c) Results/Outcomes/ Final Product/Dissemination - Budget. Please outline each specific cost-item.
Review Criteria and Procedures:
Each application package will be evaluated based on the quality of the Rationale and Budget, with a specific eye towards ensuring that the requested funds will help move forward the faculty member’s research agenda.
Review Committee:
The review committee will be the CCAS Research Advisory Committee, which consists of 3 faculty from each division.