Please note: Due to the ongoing fiscal uncertainty triggered by COVID-19, we do not yet know our operating budget for FY22. At this point in time, we have postponed all CCAS internal competitions, and will inform all PIs via the CCAS Research Update when the situation becomes more clear.
The details of the 2020 UFF application process can be found here.
Following the announcement for the University Facilitating Fund (UFF) competition by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), we are pleased to inform you that CCAS will continue to provide the Columbian College Facilitating Fund (CCFF) for which our full time faculty may apply. Together, the UFF and the CCFF provide faculty members up to $25,000 (most CCFF awards are expected to be in the $5,000-10,000 range) in support of their research and scholarly activities for the summer and the following academic year. The funding can be used for such things as modest summer salary, so that the awardee can focus on establishing a new line of research; collecting preliminary data; traveling to an archive or to collect data; funding a student to assist (including work-study student); purchasing materials needed for research, etc. Details on submission, review and notification procedures are as follows.
Eligibility conditions for UFF can be found on the Office of the Vice President for Research website.
The eligibility for CCFF is consistent with that for UFF. Eligible faculty include regular full-time CCAS faculty who are continuing in service at GW the following academic year. This includes Assistant, Associate, Full Professors and Research Professors.
The Submission Process
Please follow the guidelines from OVPR to submit your UFF proposals. They will automatically be considered for the CCFF competition unless funded by UFF. You do NOT need to submit a separate proposal to CCAS. Please keep in mind the following deadlines.
- Letters of intent (LOI) due: Wednesday, November 7, 2018, at 5:00 PM (Submit LOI using InfoReady)
- NOTE: Log In -> "Login for George Washington University Users" -> Login with GW email and password
- Full Proposal Due: Thursday, December 13, 2018, at 5:00PM
Please understand these are firm deadlines by OVPR.
Please read the OVRP's Call For Proposals for UFF carefully and make sure you understand the required components and scoring system. Please also note the two categories of support: research and scholarly.
The Review Process
The CCAS Research Advisory Council will work with the Research Dean to form a CCFF Review Committee, which will manage the review process within CCAS. Proposals submitted for UFF consideration will be evaluated by OVPR first. Applications not funded by UFF will be evaluated by the CCFF Review Committee. PIs will be asked for additional information such as a CV and results from prior internal supports if the committee sees a need. The committee will make funding recommendations to the Research Dean.
Please keep in mind that the reviewers for your proposal may not be experts in your exact area of research/scholarship. Therefore your application should be understandable to an educated non-specialist.
Notification of Decisions
Decisions on UFF proposals will be made and communicated to the PIs by the OVPR.
Decisions on the CCFF awards will be made by CCAS and will notified the PIs as soon as decisions are made.
Any questions concerning CCFF can be addressed to us at