Imaging Initiative Workshop
Location: SEH, Room TBD
Date/Time: To be selected from July 23, 24, or 25, 10am - 4pm.
Doodle Poll: (please enter your availability, if you wish to attend)
Description: This is a workshop on imaging organized by our colleagues in SEAS. It will be held in SEH and will be moderated by Dr. Joseph Mait, recently retired Chief Scientist of the US Army Research Laboratory. Dr. Mait is proposing to organize a strategic effort for George Washington University in imaging. The goal of this workshop is to identify fundamental research issues in imaging within the University community which, if approached multi-disciplinarily, will have broad application. Dr. Mait is exceptionally qualified to lead the discussion, given his experience in strategic research planning and his expertise in imaging. One simple goal of the workshop is to initiate a dialogue among University researchers working in the imaging arena. A broader goal is to identify and address fundamental barriers to imaging capabilities that can have application across disciplines. Such applications include materials metrology, biology, medicine, astronomy, autonomous navigation, remote sensing, and the interface between human and autonomous machines.
Contact: Professors Can Korman ( and Murray Loew (
Tentative Agenda
- Introductions (2 hours)
- Dr. Mait
- Faculty:
- Who
- Short description of research
- Single most significant research result
- Single most significant unsolved problem
- Presentation on imaging and its potential (Dr. Mait, 1 hour includes Q&A)
- Lunch (1 hour)
- Identify Applications Clusters (1 hour)
- Break (15 min)
- Identify Fundamental Research Questions (1 hour)