RCR Workshop: Navigating iRIS – Human Subjects Research ![](https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/WOOvys32B4CU0jAtH0cEJOvn_Bo83wXqmY2WHyzCH5nkni8nE0dBGy31caWcp5l7GbvoaAt_8VpqhBsdvp_N_lwbkJ0k2Z7WERAmBmiMyc9OwMcIjevi5cEgYTlXEITCECWGe6vYmQuY6CUKTVMgSBttkWwSHw514KI=s0-d-e1-ft#https://gallery.mailchimp.com/24ad019dfd981aa77ce98fe08/images/fec1a03f-f98e-4188-8efe-d1095a427ff2.jpg)
Marvin Center, Room 311
August 29, 2019 -- 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
The Office of Human Research will lead a session on conducting human subjects research at GW, what requires IRB review, and discuss information and tips while navigating the Integrated Research Information Software (iRIS) for human subjects. Come prepared with your questions!
Nathan Oglesby
Applications Administrator
OHR Staff
Anyone engaging in research or scholarly activity at GW including, under- and graduate students, administrative staff, researchers, postdocs and faculty, is encouraged to attend.
RSVP to resinteg@gwu.edu