Theories and Metaphors of Cyberspace

A Symposium at the
European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
Vienna, Austria, April 1996

Vienna, Austria


F. Heylighen, Belgium
S. A. Umpleby, USA


Language and Metaphors of Cyberspace
G. J. Marshall

Four Models from Cybernetics to Guide our Understanding of Cyberspace
S. A. Umpleby

Electronic Agrarianism: Or Thomas Jefferson Gets a Modem
K. Howley

CYBERSTADT: Problems of Growth of Virtual Communities
M. J. Lipner

Of Mind, Body and Machine: Cyborg Cultural Politics in the Age of Hypertext
J. M. Albright

The Distortion of the Outside/Inside Antonymy
A. Cecchi

Fiction as Artificial Life: Exploring the Ideosphere
M. A. Taylor

Meta-Portfolios: Fractal Maps of Cyber-Markets
M. F. Schreiber

Semantic Webs: A Cyberspatial Representational Form for Cybernetics
C. Joslyn

Algorithms for the Self-Organization of Distributed, Multi-User Networks. Possible Application to the Future World Wide Web
J. Bollen, F. Heylighen

The World-Wide Web as a Super-Brain: From Metaphor to Model
F. Heylighen, J. Bollen

Global Brains and Communication in a Complex Adaptive World
G. Mayer-Kress

Implementing Gibsonian Virtual Environments
D. Schmalstieg, M. Gervautz

A Logic for a Networked Virtual World
P. Camargo Silva


Group Photo:

Back row: G. J. Marshall, F. Heylighen, J. M. Albright, D. Schmalstieg, K. Howley
Front row: J. Bollen, C. Joslyn, M. J. Lipner, M. A. Taylor