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Professor Hijazi's UW 1020 is a Community Engaged Scholarship Course that                                                                   

For information about Community Engaged Scholarship at GW:
...continue reading "UW 1020: Contested Bodies: Beyond a Standard Refugee Narrative"

How can community partners more meaningfully be engaged in federal grant proposals that require community engagement? Join this virtual session.

Respectful and Responsible Broader Impacts: Meaningful Community Engagement in Federal Grant Projects

Thursday, Oct. 24,  12 - 1 pm

Registration required:

Speaker: Dr. Rebecca Shearman, NSF Program Director, Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP), Division of Innovation and Technology Ecosystems (ITE), Innovation Programs Section

...continue reading "Transform Mid-Atlantic Event: Meaningful Community Engagement in Federal Grant Projects"

In an era where academic freedom faces increasing challenges, Campus Compact is hosting a crucial webinar titled "Freedom to Learn: Combatting legislative censorship in higher education." This event, which is scheduled on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET, aims to address the growing concerns about legislative threats to free speech, diversity, and inclusion initiatives on college campuses. ...continue reading "Protecting Academic Freedom: Webinar on Combating Legislative Censorship in Higher Education"

The Research University Civic Engagement Network (TRUCEN) is hosting its first virtual peer-to-peer coaching session on October 15th from 2:00 - 3:00 PM EST. Participants will workshop challenges or issues related to civic engagement at their institutions.

Register here. GW is a TRUCEN member institution and all faculty and staff are welcome to participate.

...continue reading "Virtual Event: TRUCEN Peer-to-Peer Coaching Session"

Join the Global Women's Institute in celebrating a decade of bridging research and action on March 9th in the Jack Morton Auditorium in the School for Media and Public Affairs building from 3:30-7pm. This event will have Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and GW President Mark Wrighton as speakers. Click here to learn more and register. 

Join the webinar Seeking General-Operating Grants to learn how to make a good case for acquiring funding through grants for your projects.  The event will take place live on February 23 at 2 PM ET, or you can watch it on demand at your convenience. You'll learn directly from two nonprofit executives who have successfully garnered general-operating support:
  • Glenn Harris, President of Race Forward, which helps hundreds of organizations across the country center racial equity.
  • Nick Turner, President and Director of the Vera Institute, which advocates for equity in the criminal justice system and has tripled its budget since 2013.
Thank you Nashman Faculty Affiliate Sandy Hoar for sharing this information!

Professor emeritus Leslie Jacobson returned from her annual trip to Morocco with a refreshed sense of ideas in the works: writing plays with community liaison about local hardships like homelessness.

With the help of a professor at Al Akhawayn University – located among the Middle Atlas Mountains in the city of Ifrane teaching Gender and Media, she used student-conducted interviews in the course to write and adapt the critical human rights themes into performances for any students, anonymously, to act out in a 45-minute stage production.

This year, the students focused on the sensitive-but-prevalent topic of sexual assault and violence, mainly against women, to speak about the country's unnerving truth of women being frequent victims of violence and assault from simply walking freely with friends, by themselves or wearing Western clothing.

...continue reading "Leslie Jacobson Continues to bring Student Experiences Center Stage on Morocco travels"

Black Voters Matter is looking for volunteers, interns, and activists to join its network. Black Voters Matter goal is to increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny. BVM works to increase voter registration and turnout, advocate for policies to expand voting rights and access, and engages communities directly to promote the capacities of disenfranchised populations.  More information here.


We're back! The Nashman Center's Conversations series welcomes GW 's community engaged faculty to connect with each other on our shared interests and work. Join us on Thursday, October 28th, 9:30-10:30am, in-person or virtually (Zoom Link)

...continue reading "Conversation on Community Engaged Scholarship: Oct 28, 9:30-10:30am"

The Conference on Community Writing is an annual national event, hosted this year by GW on Oct 21-23. Volunteers are needed as virtual session monitors. By volunteering for two Zoom-room sessions of the conference, you will receive free entrance to the full conference platform. (You are welcome to forward this opportunity to colleagues and responsible students as well).

Please sign up by October 10, if possible. To see the Conference schedule and to sign up to Volunteer:   Conference on Community Writing Volunteers

...continue reading "Volunteers Needed: GW to Host Conference on Community Writing"

October 21-23, 2021, held virtually. Review schedule and register.

This annual conference is a Nashman Center top pick for demonstrating the values of community engaged scholarship. The Conference on Community Writing is a national event that brings together activists, artists, writers and scholars to theorize, enact, and write the stories of community change.

Update: volunteers are needed to monitor zoom sessions. By volunteering for two Zoom-room sessions of the conference, you will receive free entrance to the full conference platform. Further information available here

...continue reading "GW to Host: Conference on Community Writing"

Campus Compact's Communities of Practiceprovide civic and community engagement professionals a space for shared learning and collegial support to advance their engagement practice in a manner characterized by equity and integrity.

Communities of Practice will run June through August. Applicants commit to attending six regularly scheduled, 90-minute virtual group sessions. There is no fee to participate. The application closes on Monday, June 14 at 5 PM EDT. Apply here.

Communities of Practice available this summer:
  • Community Partnerships
  • Engaged Research
  • Community Engagement Fundamentals
  • Community-Engaged Learning & Teaching (Service-Learning) 
  • Program Administration
  • Supporting Engaged Faculty Development