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This conference will bring together faculty, professionals, researchers, students, community members, and others interested in engineering-based community-engagement and service-learning together to discuss the state of the art, best practices, challenges, and opportunities to enhance learning and make a difference in the world.

The conference organizers are the same group behind EPICS, a highly regarded program that has brought national attention to community-engaged learning as a proven pedagogy in engineering and the STEM disciplines.

The Conference was scheduled for July 29-31, 2020 hosted by Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. We will keep you posted about new dates.

More information can be found:

Join Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic and your colleagues in this Zoom call for a discussion of supporting food security initiatives during social distancing.
Thursday, April 30 at 11:00 am, register here

...continue reading "CCMA Discussion on Food Security Initiatives During COVID"

There is a lot happening right now in the world of college student voter engagement, but not as much of it is related to course-based connections. This webinar should be interesting.
Date: April 24, 2020
Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET
Cost: FREE

...continue reading "Friday AAC&U Webinar on Improving Voter Engagement through Pedagogy"

Community Campus Partnerships For Health is co-hosting a webinar series: Ensuring Equity in the Time of COVID-19. The next scheduled webinar is:

Behind the Scenes and In the Shadows: Essential Employees in COVID-19
Date: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 1pm EST
Register Here.


  • Madeline Sterling, MD, Internal Medicine Physician at Weill Cornell Medicine
  • Antonio Tovar, PhD, Interim Executive Director of Farmworker Association of Florida, Inc.
  • Faith Wiggins, MS Director - 1199SEIU Home Care Industry Education Fund

Communities in Partnership: Ensuring Equity in the Time of COVID-19


The National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service has released their final report with, "a bold vision and comprehensive plan to strengthen all forms of service to address critical security and domestic needs, invigorate civil society, and strengthen our democracy."

Read on for a link to the full report, as well as links to several virtual town halls being held to discuss the findings and recommendations in the report.

...continue reading "New Plan for a National Public Service Model Released"

The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health would like to gather stories and resources about how our institutions and community partners are responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Submit your stories through this google doc (please answer any questions as you see fit).

Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic is hosting this Zoom call to share thoughts on using critical reflection to support virtual community and civic engagement, on Thursday, April 16 at 10:00 am.

We recommend you register early, as some of these discussions have reached capacity. Please register for the call here. Once you are registered you’ll receive an email with Zoom call details.

...continue reading "CCMA Virtual Discussion: Using Critical Reflection to Support Virtual Community and Civic Engagement"

The following was shared with us by the National Society for Experiential Education:

During this global pandemic, institutions are grappling with moving education online, including experiential education. The National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) will continue our tradition of offering free professional development webinars and resources to any experiential educators, regardless of membership status with the society.

During this semester, NSEE will provide a series of five free webinars that allow space for crowd-sourcing knowledge: We know that now is that time for us to learn from and plan with one another. Please join us to share your struggles, thoughts, needs, and plans for the future.

Click here for more information and to register:


Friday, April 10th, Noon (EST)
Session 1: Roundtable Discussion with NSEE’s President

Friday, April 17th, 1 pm (EST)
Session 2: NSEE Conversations - Student Employees

Friday, April 24th, 2 pm (EST)
Session 3: NSEE Conversations - Using Kolb's Experiential Learning Model to Guide the Design of Online Learning

Friday, May 1st, 3 pm (EST)
Session 4: NSEE Conversations - Where to Find Experiential Education Next

The upcoming 17th annual Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale on April 4-5, 2020. This is the world’s largest and leading global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference. The conference will take place at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Register during August for a highly reduced registration rate (50% lower than the regular rate).

Confirmed speakers to date: Learn from more than 200 speakers who are committed to effective, responsible programs in health, development, entrepreneurship, and education. See the confirmed 2020 conference speakers to date.

Call for Abstracts: Abstracts are currently being accepted for research presentations, program presentations, and for the social impact pitch presentations, including submissions for the $10,000 and $5,000 GHIC Innovation Prize. The first abstract deadline is August 31. For those submitting a research or program abstract, October 15th is the final deadline. 

Register for the Global Health & Innovation Conference
by August 31 for 50% off the registration rate 

 Here is the Conference Schedule. 

Here is the Application to present. 

Here is more information about the Innovation Prize. 

The Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE) at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) invites you to join our Research and Evidence webinar series. This webinar series is one of many ways ORE is sharing current research on civic engagement, volunteering, and national service.

This month’s topic is:

Participatory Health Research: Challenges and Approaches

Date and Time: Wednesday, Apr. 8, from 2-3:00 p.m. ET

...continue reading "Webinar on Participatory Health Research: Corporation for National and Community Service"

The Association of American Colleges & Universities will be hosting a conference on Integrative Learning and Signature Work July 21-July 24, 2020 at American University in Washington, DC.  The conference is intended for college and university teams interested in advancing programs and curricula aimed at building students’ capacity to integrate their learning across the curriculum and co-curriculum, foster global learning through community engagement, and capture students’ development through signature work.  Sessions led by national experts will emphasize the value of leveraging general education, interdisciplinary approaches, and co-curricular experiences to achieve campus goals to expand integrative learning and community engagement.

If you are interested and want to learn more about the event click here.




[Updated April 2, 2020]

Please note, in response to the increased calls to commit to physical distancing, we ask that you instruct students to NOT engage in any direct service activities at this time. We are continuing to seek opportunities for distance/online service for your students. I also recommend some of the assignment alternatives provided in the "Teaching distance community engaged scholarship courses" link below. 

...continue reading "A Grand Sharing of Resources"

[Updated March 29, 2020]

We will continue to update this post with additional resources. If you have assignment alternatives or approaches, tips on facilitating reflection conversations through distance learning, or plans for continuing to support your community partner remotely, please share them ( and they will be added to these resource lists.

While we all recognize it is much better to have time for proper distance-learning course design, teaching a community engaged scholarship course from a distance CAN be done. Recognizing that some of our community partner organizations will be closing or restricting voluntary service in order to practice physical distancing, we recommend providing 1-2 alternative assignments for students who will still have service requirements to fulfill for your course.

...continue reading "Resources: Teaching Distance Community Engaged Scholarship Courses"

GW recently joined the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities. This organization, "connects leaders and scholars of urban and metropolitan universities to share, discuss, and debate important issues facing our unique institutions and the cities we serve."

The association distributes relevant news, facilitates conversations across member institutions, holds an annual conference, and publishes a journal.

Stay tuned for more information on the connections and professional development benefits you can take advantage of given our institutional membership.

You are invited to attend the following talk:

The Violence of Dis/Investment: White Flight, Black Displacement and Gentrification in Washington, DC

Friday, Feb 21, noon-1:30pm, Corcoran Hall, Room 103
Dr. Tanya Golash-Boza, Sociologist, University of California, Merced