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Check out two recent and important pieces of public writing from GW’s Sociology Department

While finishing up his Criminology MA program, Evan Douglas wrote an op-ed titled, “D.C. can pioneer a new way forward in drug policy” for the Washington Post

Professors Daina Eglitis and Michelle Kelso wrote an article titled, “A Fearsome Precedent” about risks to girls and women in Ukraine for the online European magazine, Transitions.

This year’s IARSLCE Publication of the Year Award highlighted the book Rewriting Partnerships: Community Perspectives on Community-Based Learning.  ...continue reading "Good Reads: Rewriting Partnerships: Community Perspectives on Community-Based Learning"

In an article recommended by Dr. Rodriguez-Diaz, Associate Professor and Vice-Chair from the Milken Institute of Public Health, researchers discuss faculty perceptions of “practice” activities in contrast to research and teaching as priorities in the academic space. 

The article published from PLOS Global Public Health explores the “perceptions of faculty and government decision makers on the roles, responsibilities, and restrictions of an academic to proactively engage in efforts that can be interpreted as activism, advocacy and/or lobbying in the quest to contribute to the policy decision making process.”

To read the full article, click here

Check out this article recommended by the Global Women’s Institute titled, “Engaging refugee women and girls as experts: co-creating evidence on sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian crises using creative, participatory methods.” ...continue reading "Good Reads: Engaging refugee women and girls as experts"

The George Washington University, in partnership with the League of Women Voters DC, will host two public candidate forums featuring candidates for the upcoming 2022 Washington, D.C. Attorney General and Mayoral elections.  ...continue reading "GW News: GW & League of Women Voters DC to Host DC Mayoral and Attorney General"

Congratulations to long-time community partner, Life Pieces to Masterpieces (LPTM), on receiving the Citizen Diplomat Award from Global Ties, U.S..  ...continue reading "Nashman Community Partner News: Life Pieces to Masterpieces Gains International Recognition"

This past week, Life Pieces to Masterpieces’ Mentor Cateo Hilton gave remarks at the White House and introduced President Biden. Cateo reflected on the importance of honoring Black History Month and shared how he creates new Black History every day with his peers. 

As a long-time community partner with the Nashman Center, we are pleased to announce this celebration of Life Pieces to Masterpieces (LPTM) and Cateo Hilton. 

To learn more about Life Pieces to Masterpieces, click here

CUMU’s most recent issue of the Metropolitan Universities Journal highlights several articles written about new approaches to academia in response to Covid-19. Listed below are the articles included in the issue. ...continue reading "Good Reads: Metropolitan Universities Journal, Covid-19 Innovations through Crises "

Explore the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)’s Special Issue Volume 27, Issue 1 titled, “Centering Social Justice in the Scholarship of Community Engagement.”  ...continue reading "Good Reads: The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)"

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) released a new report that examines how undergraduate learning and student success are affected by “an institution’s common learning outcomes and commitment to equity as well as by specific educational experiences and assessment practices.” ...continue reading "Good Reads: AAC&U Report on Practices that Shape Student Learning "

In a recent GW Today article, JT Liddell shares his story of transformation and resilience. When he re-entered his life in the States after serving three stints in Afghanistan, he found himself “basically homeless.” It wasn’t long until he realized he wasn’t the only veteran who struggled after returning home. ...continue reading "Good Reads: GW Alumnus Helps Veterans "

Gregory Squires, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy and Public Administration at George Washington University, authored a piece in Footnotes magazine titled “Academic Institutions: Roadblock or Ramps?”. In the article, Squires describes the need to bring engaged social justice scholarship back into the forefront of academia. 

...continue reading "Good Reads: Greg Squires featured in Footnotes magazine"

In an Inside Higher Ed article, titled, "All In? Or Just Some?", Carol Schneider writes about the connection between higher education and creating a greater, more equitable democracy. Recommended by Nashman Center’s Executive Director Amy Cohen, the article is important when discussing civic learning and engagement. 

Click here to read the full article.