Local events or news related to engagement with DC, social change in DC, or hosted by our community partners.
GWServes is our online platform for reporting campus-community partnerships and community engagement interests. It is proving to be a useful tool that fosters networking and collaboration among faculty, students, and community partners. These connections help us engage in mutually beneficial partnerships to influence more positive change in our city.
To encourage faculty to connect via this platform, we are providing an introductory, Faculty Guide to GWServes.
At our last Nashman Faculty Virtual Happy hour, several folks expressed interest in how we can support health care providers. Many thanks to Nashman Affiliate Faculty, Sandy Hoar, for following up with several resources.
...continue reading "Support for Health Care Providers During COVID-19"
...continue reading "Ward 6 Mutual Aid Society: Help Bridge DC’s Digital Divide"
The DC Branch of the NAACP will host a tele-town hall on, The Impacts of Coronavirus in Black Communities" on Thursday, April 9, 7pm. The meeting will feature a panel of experts to discuss the health disparities and impacts of COVID-19 in Washington, DC.
Participants may join online at URL: https://naacpheadquarters.zoom.us/j/148601216?pwd=MlZycHY0cW1ZbllKUkJzQVJZTjN4UT09
by entering password #513530.
Students in Community Engaged Scholarship Courses are serving virtually in DC and around the country. As they continue to report their activities on GWServes, we will share some of their stories here. Thank you for continuing to support student engagement.
...continue reading "Stories of Service: GW Students Serve Virtually in DC and Around the Nation"
The need for responsible physical distancing is creating as much chaos for our local community partners as it is for ourselves. Some, like DC Public Schools and the public libraries, have closed entirely. Some, like those who serve the aging population, are continuing operations but are not working with volunteers for the time being. Others still accept volunteer support. The Nashman Center is keeping track of local service organizations as best we can, so reach out if you have questions about our local partners. We are also encouraging our partners to use GWServes to report their status as well as any needs they have that could be addressed by volunteers or service-learners from a distance. If you are in your own communications with community partners, please also encourage them to use the platform as a way to get their messages out to our whole community. If they need support using the platform, they can reach out to Tereese Smith (tereese_smith@email.gwu.edu).
For trustworthy real time updates about the virus and response in Washington, DC, visit: https://coronavirus.dc.gov/
The annual Points of Light Conference will be June 10-12, 2020, here in Washington, DC.
The Points of Light Conference is a global convening of nonprofit, government, business and civic leaders who connect, collaborate, gain and share the knowledge and resources needed to galvanize the power of people to create change. This year’s event will be the centerpiece of a yearlong celebration to mark Points of Light’s founding by President George H.W. Bush 30 years ago.
Civic life today requires that we look beyond traditional labels like “volunteer,” and empower people to express their desire to do good in ways that are meaningful to them: through the purchases they make, how they vote, in what they share on social media, where and how they choose to work, and what causes they support with their time or money.
The DC Area Educators for Social Justice is programming the third annual DC Area Black Lives Matter at Schools Week of Action. Link here for more information.
The DC Area Educators for Social Justice has formed a new working group for DC area middle and high school teachers who are committed to teaching with a "people's history" lens. Their next meeting will be December 14th, with a focus on teaching with the New York Times' 1619 Project and learning how to engage students in the food justice summit at UDC. Link here for more information.
DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has announced a new program at Anacostia High School: the Safer Stronger DC Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement’s (ONSE) Leadership Academy – a school-based initiative aimed at promoting school and community safety by providing wraparound services and mentorship through direct engagement with students and their families. Link to the full announcement.
We look forward to learning how GW can partner with DC Public Schools on the community schools approach through the "Connected Schools" initiative.
This school year, Anacostia became one of ten DCPS Connected Schools – a new $1.6 million investment by Mayor Bowser to take the community schools model to the next level. Connected Schools take a whole child, whole school, whole community approach by transforming schools into spaces that support not only a student’s academic development, but a family’s overall wellbeing through access to resources related to health, employment, housing and more. The ONSE Leadership Academy is an example of how Connected Schools transform the way DC agencies work together to break down persistent in-school and out-of-school barriers students face.
"As part of the Waging Peace in Vietnam Conference hosted by Partnerships for International Strategies in Asia (PISA), the Elliott School of International Affairs will hold a Peace Poetry Open Mic commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Mobilization for Peace." To learn more about the event, please click here.
The Open Mic will take place Wednesday, November 13th from 6 to 8pm in the 2nd Floor Atrium. 1957 E St, NW, 20052.
To note, before the Open Mic, "a Peace Poetry Workshop will take place in Room 213 from 5 to 6pm. During the Workshop, Vietnam veteran poets Jan Barry and Lamont B. Steptoe will assist individuals wishing to write poetry to share at the Open Mic later in the evening."
To RSVP for the workshop & open mic, please click here.
If you have questions, please contact leapinitiative@gwu.edu.