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The application deadline has been extended to November 20, 2020, by 5 pm EST. Click here for more information.

"Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) has partnered with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to award the RWJF Award for Health Equity Presented By CCPH (RWJF-CCPH Award). This award highlights the power and potential of community-campus partnerships successfully using systems and policy change needed to overcome the root causes of health, social, environmental, and economic inequalities.

The award recognizes two “Key Leaders” or key individuals (one community member and one academic partner) who spearhead the success to the field in the area of exemplary partnerships between communities and academic institutions that are striving to achieve health equity and social justice."

Understanding Community Based Research for Older Adults: Working from the Ground Up will be facilitated by Robert Turner, PhD, Wednesday, November 18 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Registration is required to receive the webinar link.

...continue reading "Webinar: Community Based Research and Older Adults"

To read a full issue of Universities and Community Schools Vol. 10, No. 1, Fall 2020, please click here. This issue contains a letter from the editors, Ira Harkavy, John L. Puckett, and Rita A. Hodges: ...continue reading "Journal: Universities and Community Schools – Fall 2020"

"The Journal of Participatory Research Methods (JPRM) is a transdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal focused on the methods, techniques and processes of participatory research, evaluation and design."

...continue reading "New, The Journal of Participatory Research Methods"

Register for The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education's (AASHE) virtual conference, October 20-22.

...continue reading "AASHE’s Upcoming Session on Community-Engaged Research"

Voices DMV is a local civic engagement initiative by the Greater Washington Community Foundation. This initiative included a regional survey in partnership with Gallup, a series of Social Justice Town Halls, and Community Action Awards. Their new report, Voices DMV: Community Insights is an important read to inform campus-community partnerships and learn more about our city and region. Link here for a PDF of the full report, as well as data by jurisdiction.

"Collaboratory is excited to launch the Research Fellows Program, which recognizes exemplary and emerging scholar-practitioners who are committed to advancing the field of community engagement. Fellows explore research and programmatic efforts that enact Collaboratory’s mission and support member institutions and the broader field of higher education community engagement. Fellowships are designed to give practitioner-scholars a national platform to pursue research and programmatic ideas that correlate with ongoing Collaboratory initiatives." There is available funding for two fellowships: ...continue reading "Funding, Research Fellowships"

...continue reading "IA Teaching & Learning Circle; Regional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conversation Series"

"Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater continues to host Arena Civil Dialogues, sponsored by Exelon, to engage the D.C.-area community. Scholar and Professor Amitai Etzioni curates and moderates discussions featuring experts focusing on topics and questions in today’s headlines." For more information about the event, please click here. To learn more about Professor Amitai Etzioni's onging work, please click here. ...continue reading "Upcoming event: Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies"

Thanks to Ivy Ken, Department of Sociology for sharing this source of data for research and teaching students how to analyze data related to communities. Their latest demonstration data release allows researchers to view 2010 data in the Census Bureau's newly proposed framework. The aim of this project is to, enable, "a broad range of users to investigate and provide feedback about the quality of data produced by different DAS versions before the Census Bureau makes final design decisions for publishing 2020 data."

"The IPUMS National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS) provides free online access to summary statistics and GIS files for U.S. censuses and other nationwide surveys from 1790 through the present."


The Global Women's Institute will continue to add to this list of resources and research on Gender and COVID-19.

This is an opportunity to learn more about the Service-Learning Quality Assessment Tool (SLQAT), and contribute to the researchers' continued revisions. 

From the researchers:

We now invite you to join us in the second phase of our research focused on assessing the reliability and validity of our tool.  Specifically, we are looking for service-learning scholars, practitioners, and supporters to assign relative weights each of the instrument’s 28 elements by completing a survey in which you will assign each element a score, based on what you believe its level of influence is on student learning outcomes.

...continue reading "Participate in Study to Develop a Course Assessment Tool"

Congratulations to Nashman Affiliate Faculty, Dr. Maranda Ward, who recently published a a research article on youth identity formation through participatory action research. To read the full article, click here.  

Dr. Ward used Promising Futures, the arts-based peer education program she developed, as her study site in conducting this research. Dr. Ward sought to understand how the identities of urban youth labeled as ‘at-risk’ was affected by their role as peer mentors for students traditionally labeled as ‘at-risk’ by academic standards.   

...continue reading "Participatory Action Research through Arts-based Research Methods"

Jacob Tafrate and his group member Elizabeth Szafranski were the first place Nashman Prize winners at the Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship.

Their project for the Geography department was titled Geographic Analysis of Informal Road Networks in Siberia. Tafrate explained that their project was “taking an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how informal road networks influence the Ivank people.” They focused on different road transfer networks and how they have changed and evolved over time, various hazards, and analyzing how it influenced the people in the area.

...continue reading "First Place Nashman Prize Award Winners Discuss Informal Roads in Siberia"

 The Nashman Center Spring 2020 Symposium was a success! The first ever "virtual" Symposium featured 26 presentations. Thank you to the 59 students who prepared video presentations about their community engaged scholarship projects this semester. Work from across the institution was represented, including the Biology, Geography and Sociology Departments, as well as the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, The School of Nursing, the School of Public Health.

Congratulations to the award winners, announced below.

Click here to view all submitted presentations. If you are seeking a particular presentation or course, note the search box on the right side of the screen.

...continue reading "Virtual Spring Symposium 2020 in Review"