Author: Albero
Teaching Day 2020

"This year will be virtual and provide a valuable opportunity for instructors and teaching assistants from across GW to build community and learn from each other’s experiences. Attendees will hear from colleagues across the university in brief lightning talks and from experts in a roundtable. The day will close with an interactive demonstration of active learning exercises and a session on resources to support students." Register here.
...continue reading "Teaching Day 2020"Join the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design, Visualizing Data: Engaging Audiences Beyond the Numbers
Join visiting Professor of Community Engagement, Paul Rucker

Join the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design October 14, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EDT to learn from Visiting Professor of Community Engagement Paul Rucker, a visual artist, composer and musician who often combines media as he integrates live performance, sound, original compositions and visual art.
...continue reading "Join visiting Professor of Community Engagement, Paul Rucker"Upcoming webinars, Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights

Upcoming webinars about voting will be hosted by Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights, an initiative of Scholars Strategy Network.
...continue reading "Upcoming webinars, Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights"Erin Powell, a 2020 Knapp Fellow Winner, discusses her project, Gender as a Barrier in Winterveldt, South Africa
Erin Powell, a senior majoring in International Affairs and minoring in Theatre and Sustainability, is one of the two 2020 Knapp Fellow winners. In addition to being a Knapp Fellow, Erin is also one of the 2020 Luther Rice Research Fellows. ...continue reading "Erin Powell, a 2020 Knapp Fellow Winner, discusses her project, Gender as a Barrier in Winterveldt, South Africa"
Recently Published: JHEOE September 2020 Issue – 24(2)
Check out the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Vol 24, No 2 (September 2020): ...continue reading "Recently Published: JHEOE September 2020 Issue – 24(2)"
Thank you, Campus Compact for announcing the Election 2020 Series:
Upcoming sessions, listed below, will be "hosted by Andrew Seligsohn, President of Campus Compact." To learn more and register, please click here. ...continue reading "Thank you, Campus Compact for announcing the Election 2020 Series:"
The Rodham Impact, Rated R: Racism is Bad for OUR Health
Join the Rodham Institute Wednesday, September 16 at 6pm-7pm EST, to discuss Rated R: Racism is Bad for OUR Health. To register, please click here. ...continue reading "The Rodham Impact, Rated R: Racism is Bad for OUR Health"
Thank you, Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic for circulating these resources:
The Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies: “Child Care and Schools if COVID Persists”
Join the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies on Monday, September 21, from 4:00pm EST -5:30pm EST. The panel, listed below, will discuss Suffer the children: Child Care and Schools if Covid Persists. To register, please click here.
Mini teach-in on Black Mortality: Black Deaths Matter
All students, faculty, and staff are invited to join The Scholar Strike for Racial Justice on September 8 and 9. Wednesday, September 9 from 10-11am, the Milken Institute of Public Health encourages everyone to attend, Mini teach-in on Black Morality: Black Deaths Matter. To participate, please click here. ...continue reading "Mini teach-in on Black Mortality: Black Deaths Matter"
“Facing History Now: Conversations on Equity and Justice”
Wednesday, September 16 at 8 PM ET/ 5 PM PT, Dr. John B. King, "CEO of The Education Trust and former US Secretary of Education," and Dr. Janice K. Jackson, "CEO of Chicago Public Schools, will discuss the role of education in this moment of national reckoning," will lead critical reflections about equity in education. To register, please click here. To learn more about Dr. King and Dr. Jackson, please click here. ...continue reading "“Facing History Now: Conversations on Equity and Justice”"
Upcoming webinar, Bipartisan Policy Center
September 17 from 2-3pm ET, the Bipartisan Policy Center will host a webinar, The 2020 Election Comes to Campus: Student Citizenship and Civic Engagement. ...continue reading "Upcoming webinar, Bipartisan Policy Center"
Diana Aguilera, a 2020 Knapp Fellow Winner, discusses her project, Latino Immigrants and Telemedicine Approaches, and her ongoing civic engagement
“While we’re living through pandemics, living in historic times, what matters next is how we will intervene.”
Diana Aguilera, a graduate student studying Public Policy, is one of the two 2020 Knapp Fellow winners. In addition to being a Knapp Fellow, Diana is a recipient of the 2020 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI U) and an awardee of the Clinton Foundation’s COVID-19 Student Action Fund. By putting her Knapp Fellowship into a conversation with her other ongoing initiatives, Diana demonstrates her commitment to advance discussions that confront healthcare barriers before and during COVID-19. ...continue reading "Diana Aguilera, a 2020 Knapp Fellow Winner, discusses her project, Latino Immigrants and Telemedicine Approaches, and her ongoing civic engagement"