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Dr. Greg Squires, Research Professor and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at GW, was selected as the recipient of the 2023 Marilyn J. Gittell Activist Scholar Award sponsored by the Urban Affairs Association and SAGE Publishing. ...continue reading "Greg Squires Receives Urban Affairs Association Activist Scholar Award"

The Steven and Diane Robinson Knapp Fellowship for Entrepreneurial Service-Learning aims to recognize, reward, and facilitate creative public service and academic engagement led by GWU students, undergraduate and graduate. Selected students design and implement entrepreneurial service-learning projects that make a significant difference in the lives of others. Apply by May 24th, 2023! Click this link to apply.

On behalf of the George Washington University Institute for Racial, Ethnic and Socioeconomic Equity (the Equity Institute), we write to share with you two new rounds of seed grant opportunities funded by the GWU Equity Institute!

  • Round 3 will fund research proposals on topics related to "Race and Technology."
  • Round 4 will fund interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty and community partners from two or more GWU colleges/schools or programs.

Proposals are due by COB on May 24, 2023. You will find the due dates and further details below. Apply here.  ...continue reading "Funding Opportunities: GW Equity Institute Seed Grants"

This morning, the National Center for Education Statistics released results from the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Civics for 8th graders. Unfortunately, flatlining, failing achievement on the preeminent national measure of students’ civic knowledge and skills was predictable given the lack of investment in K–12 civics and a failure to prioritize the subject through established policies. ...continue reading "Good Reads: 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress in Civics for Eighth-Graders"

The 23rd SENCER Summer Institute will be held on-line August 3-6, 2023. The Institute will be centered on: SCIENCE EDUCATION, DEMOCRACY, AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: BUILDING THE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE. Register here.  Deadline to submit proposals is July 7th.  Submit proposals here. 

Meeting Description and Registration Information ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: SENCER Summer Institute 2023"

Registration and the Request for Proposals for the 2023 IARSLCE Conference are now open! For more details, visit their website.

The conference will be held from Oct. 25-27 at Tulane University. ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 2023 IARSLCE Conference: Redefining Research, Access, & Inclusion in SLCE"

Register for the free Educational Partnerships for Innovations in Communities Network virtual conference June 12 - 14, 2023. You can register here:

...continue reading "Register Now: Free EPIC-N Conference on Connecting Local Governments and Universities"

The Nashman Center would like to thank all the participants of this energizing and productive event, including 6 faculty/administrators, 8 community organization representatives, and 12 students. Community partners represented ArtReach GW, For Love of Children, Horton's Kids, Latino Student Fund, Little Friends for Peace, and Raising a Village.

The aim of these meetings is to approach the cycle of strategic planning, implementation of new plans, and assessment of progress in a way that involves all stakeholders in all stages of the process.

...continue reading "Post Event Synthesis from Deepening Partnerships: Youth Development"

The Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning invites book reviews of recent (published within the last five years) literature about service-learning and community-based research that not only describe a work’s content and approach but also examine the ways in which the work can be applied to pedagogy, practice, and policy. Learn more here. 
...continue reading "Call for Book Reviews: Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning"

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning has a rolling call for proposals on research, theory, pedagogy, and other issues pertinent to (a) civic engagement, (b) campus-community partnerships, (c) curriculum-based and co-curricular service-learning, and (d) engaged/public scholarship in higher education. Learn more here. 

Designed to provide a pathway to civic learning for students in all majors, Practicing Democracy offers practical approaches and strategies for developing students’ capacity to engage in collaborative, public problem solving. Download here. ...continue reading "Good Reads: AAC&U and Campus Compact joint pub. “Practicing Democracy: A Toolkit for Educating Civic Professionals”"

The IJRSLCE Editors have issued a call for manuscripts for Volume 11 of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. The Editors are seeking submissions that reflect the breadth of scholarship in the service-learning and community engagement field, with articles from different disciplines and countries, reflecting a range of methodologies. The deadline for submissions to be considered in the 2023 volume is May 15, 2023. Learn more here.  

he latest issue of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE) is now online. Published annually, the IJRSLCE is the scholarly journal of the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE).

Volume 10, Issue 1 (2022) contains 11 articles in 5 sections, plus an introduction, “Continuing to Blur the Boundaries, Cross Vectors, and Complicate Positionalities and Power Dynamics of our Field by Co-Editors Alan Bloomgarden & Jessica Mann.