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The Nashman Center’s FLC on Black Lives Matter Kick Off the Semester at DeRay McKesson Lecture

Faculty Learning Communities are a great way to take an in-depth look at an issue over the course of a calendar year. In addition to the cross disciplinary learning that takes place, faculty have the opportunity to build community and share experiences.

The Black Lives Matter FLC has been meeting since January. During their time together they have discussed readings and curricula related to BLM and how they might incorporate them into their work at GW. To kick off the semester they attended the lecture with DeRay McKesson and he took the time to pose for a photo with the group including Drs. Maranda Ward, Jordan Potash, Phyllis Ryder, Imani Cheers, Dana Hines and Susan LeLacheur.

Community Engaged Scholarship at the Nashman Center sponsors a variety of faculty learning communities learn more about them here have an idea for an FLC? Email Dr. Wendy Wagner .

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