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New NCOC Resource on Civic Health: Pandemic to Prosperity

The National Conference on Citizenship (NCOC), home of the Civic Health Index, has just released a new resource, Pandemic to Prosperity.  They share the following:

History has shown that large-scale crises accelerate pre-existing trends and permanently change societies and civic life. While most of the nation’s attention is currently focused on the response to Covid-19, we must ensure that recovery efforts in the months and years ahead lead to a more just and equitable society. Pandemic to Prosperity offers a comprehensive overview of the Covid-related impacts on our lives and livelihoods, governments, civic institutions, and overall well being.

Over the past few months, NCoC has been working behind the scenes with experts to curate a trusted source of data and information. Today, we’re pleased to announce the release of Pandemic to Prosperity - an initiative that uses highly-curated and vetted data to help communities move toward a fair and complete recovery.

Findings include:

  • Indigenous, Black, and Hispanic/Latinx people are around 5 times more likely to be hospitalized due to Covid-19 than white individuals.
  • While unemployment rates have improved since April, 19 states still had unemployment rates exceeding 10% in June.
  • At least 10 states are projecting fiscal year 2020 tax revenue reductions of 10% or more. In FY 2021, at least 26 states expect additional tax revenue reductions of 10% or more.
  • In 6 states, 2020 Census self-response rates to date are below 56%, requiring extensive door-knocking to achieve a complete count.
  • The majority of registered voters in 9 states who did not vote in 2016 cited structural issues such as polling place hours, and accessibility challenges. Only 19 states are well-prepared for voting from home in the presidential election less than 4 months away, despite increased barriers facing our potential voters due to Covid.
  • Roughly 1 in 4 households nationwide do not have internet access, hindering their ability to participate in remote learning, telehealth, and working from home.
  • Nationwide, 1 in 4 adults are unlikely to be able to pay their rent or mortgage in August. In 10 states, this rate is even higher at 1 in 3 adults.


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