Philip and Sara Davis Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement

The Philip and Sara Davis Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement is a need-based scholarship for students interested in government contracts law. In a recent interview for Beyond the FAR, Philip (JD ’73) explained why he and his wife, Sara, created the scholarship:

My wife, Sara, and I were fortunate and pleased to be in a position to fund the Philip and Sara Davis Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement and, as you say, to “pay it forward” for deserving future GW Law students interested in a government contracts practice.  Sara and I recognize the critical importance of scholarship assistance, as both of us were beneficiaries of others’ generosity in our own academic pursuits.  I attended both undergraduate and law school on scholarship.  In particular, at GW Law I was fortunate enough to receive a Trustee Scholarship all three years.  The scholarship allowed me to focus on my studies and not worry about holding a job to pay for school and, believe me, I needed all the time available to master the Law School curriculum!  Sara likewise was a scholarship student at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business where she received her Masters in Business Administration.  Furthermore, I consider a scholarship in procurement law to be a perfect fit for GW Law because of its sterling reputation in the field, its unparalleled government contracts curriculum, and its top-quality professors in the subject.

You can read the complete interview with Philip Davis HERE.

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