Faculty Scholarship

The scholarship produced by our faculty and students impacts government procurement law and policy around the world.

In partnership with the American Bar Association, the Program also produces the premiere journal in the field of public contract law – the Public Contract Law Journal. In addition, the Program also sponsors the Public Procurement, Government Contracts, and Outsourcing eJournal, published by SSRN.

GW Law is also home to the leading government procurement textbooks in the field.

Formation of Government Contracts

The complex process of solicitation, bidding and award of government contracts can challenge even the most seasoned of contractors and government officials. Navigate the maze of requirements, statutes, regulations and case law with confidence, with this authoritative treatise.

This book has reached that rare status of a classic –devoted exclusively to formation of government contracts. To say it is full of case, statute, and regulatory cites would be an understatement.

Formation of Government Contracts, from The George Washington University Law School Government Contracts Program and CCH, cuts through confusing jargon and government “legalese” to deliver a practical guide to forming a sound government contract.

Written by pre-eminent experts in government contracting, the authors’ unbiased analysis of important case law and decisions provides an overview of the current legal environment and helps you put everything in perspective.

Administration of Government Contracts

Learn expert strategies for reducing conflicts and managing the administration of government contracts.

Successful government contract administration ensures that both contractors and government agencies fulfill their contractual obligations — and adapt to changing circumstances when necessary. No matter which side of the contract you’re on — government official or contractor — a firm grasp of contract procedures and legal requirements is essential for sound contract management and resolution of contract disputes.

Written by the preeminent authorities in federal government contracting, this unbiased analysis of important case law and decisions provides an overview of the current legal environment and regulations, helping you put everything in perspective.

The Government Contracts Reference Book

Successful government contracting requires a precise understanding of contract terminology, as well as a firm grasp of current federal regulations and relevant case law. A unique resource among government contracting books, this quick-reference guide saves you time and strengthens your procurement program, by providing ready definitions for more than 1500 federal contracting terms, phrases and acronyms used in government procurement.

Completely up-to-date terminology reflects statutory and regulatory changes, including some 400 terms relating directly to government contract law, including the rules and procedures mandated by the federal government under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1994, the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, and the revisions to FAR Part 15.

Written by noted government contracting experts, The Government Contracts Reference Book provides clear explanations of both general and agency-specific federal contracting terms from the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Department of Energy, NASA and others followed by a summary of where the term is used in the statutes or regulations dealing with the procurement process. Organized in an easy-to-use alphabetical format and fully cross-referenced, this essential resource to today’s government contract terminology will help you procure goods and services efficiently and with confidence.

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