A Comparative Study of Exclusion Systems

On September 16, 2021, the GW Law Government Procurement Law Program co-hosted a webinar with the World Bank Office of Suspension & Debarment and the ABA International Anti-Corruption Committee, where a panel of experts discussed the recently published Global Suspension & Debarment Directory, the first ever consultative resource on exclusion systems.  Published by the World Bank Office of Suspension and Debarment, in partnership with the International Bar Association Anti-Corruption Committee, the Directory captures data and information on the exclusion systems of 23 different countries and institutions and is for anyone interested in learning about how these jurisdictions employ exclusion to prevent wayward suppliers from accessing public funds. 

The panelists, several of whom contributed to the Directory, discussed major takeaways from the Directory and potential avenues for future research.  They also discussed their own experiences with exclusion in their jurisdictions and the importance of comparing, and learning from, different systems.



  • Collin Swan, Senior Counsel, World Bank Office of Suspension & Debarment
  • Nikolaos Doukellis, Legal Consultant, World Bank Office of Suspension & Debarment


  • Juan Ronderos, Sanctions Officer for the Inter-American Development Bank Group and Co-Chair of the Debarment & Exclusions Subcommittee of the IBA’s Anti-Corruption Committee
  • Jessica Tillipman, Assistant Dean for Government Procurement Law at the George Washington University Law School and Co-Chair of the ABA Section of International Law Anti-Corruption Committee
  • Mirella Lechna-Marchewka, Attorney-at-Law, Wardynski and Partners, Poland
  • Carlos Ayres, Founding Partner, Maeda, Ayres e Sarubbi Advogados, Brazil
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