Greg Bingham Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement

The Greg Bingham Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement is a merit-based scholarship for a student studying government contracts law in the Law School, with preference for a student who has an undergraduate degree, experience, or interest in accounting. In a recent interview for Beyond the FAR, Greg explained why he created the scholarship:

I created the Greg Bingham Endowed Scholarship in Government Procurement because it is important to support and foster students’ interest in these disciplines, which sometimes can be perceived as unrelated but in reality, are very much intertwined. Today, lawyers are facing increasingly complex legal and business issues, particularly in the area of government contracts. And as it is often said, accounting is the language of business, and in a very real sense, it is. Thus, students graduating from GW Law will provide better services to their clients — be they government agencies or contractors — if they understand more about business operations and accounting. On a related point, my consulting skills have enhanced by my knowledge of the law, which has grown since becoming more involved at GW Law and the ABA Public Contract Law Section.

You can read the complete interview with Greg Bingham HERE.

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