2000-2010. For other publications see 2010s, 1990s, and 1980s pages.
Development of a multiple gas analyzer using cavity ringdown spectroscopy for use in advanced fire detection
EA Fallows, TG Cleary, JH Miller
Applied optics 48 (4), 695-703
Cited by 10 as of Mar. 1, 2020
Measurements and calculations of formaldehyde concentrations in a methane/N2/air, non-premixed flame: Implications for heat release rate
SB Dworkin, AM Schaffer, BC Connelly, MB Long, MD Smooke, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 1311-1318
Cited by 31 as of Mar. 1, 2020
Intermolecular potential calculations for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon clusters
JD Herdman, JH Miller
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2008, 112 (28), 6249-6256
Cited by 107 as of Mar. 1, 2020
Bottom-up assembly of hydrogels from bacteriophage and Au nanoparticles: the effect of cis-and trans-acting factors
GR Souza, E Yonel-Gumruk, D Fan, J Easley, R Rangel, L Guzman-Rojas, ...
PLoS One 2008, 3 (5), e2242
Cited by 50 as of Mar. 1, 2020
"Oligonucleotide Detection Using Angle Dependent Light Scattering and Fractal Dimension Analysis of Gold-DNA Aggregates" Glauco R. Souza and J. Houston Miller, J. Am Chem. Soc.,123, 6734-6735 (2001).
Cited by 62 as of Mar. 1, 2020
"Development of a pulsed sampling probe for time-resolved measurements in flickering flames" Emily L. Wilson and J. Houston Miller, Meas. Sci. Technol. 12 (2001) 1701-1708.
Cited by 7 as of Mar. 1, 2020
"Cavity-Absorption Techniques for the use in a Tunable Diode Laser Sensor for Monitoring Spacecraft Air Quality" A.R. Awtry and J.H. Miller. 01ICES-193. (Society of Automotive Engineers, 2001).
“Measurements of Hydrogen Cyanide and its Chemical Production Rate in a Laminar Methane/Air, Non-premixed flame using cw Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy.” J. Houston Miller, Andrew R. Awtry, Mark E. Moses, and April D. Jewell. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29, 2203-2210 (2002).
Cited by 22 as of Mar. 1, 2020
“Temporally Resolved Species Measurements In A Flickering Air-Diluted, Non-Premixed Natural Gas Flame By Extractive Sampling Of Flame Gases And FT-IR Analysis.” Emily L. Wilson and J. Houston Miller. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 29, 2711-2718 (2002).
Cited by 4 as of Mar. 1, 2020
“Development of a cw laser based cavity ringdown sensor aboard spacecraft for trace air constituents”, A.R. Awtry and J.H. Miller Appl. Physics B., 75, 255-260, (2002).
Cited by 58 as of Mar. 1, 2020
"A Carbon Dioxide Sensor Based On Cw- Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy.", Andrew R. Awtry and J.H. Miller. SAE Technical Paper 03-ICES-151. (Society of Automotive Engineers, 2003).
“Aromatic Excimers: Evidence for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Condensation in Flames”, J. Houston Miller, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30, 1381-1388 (2005).
Cited by 63 as of Mar. 1, 2020
“Development of Optical Trace Gas Monitoring Technology for NASA Human Space Flight”, J. Houston Miller, Andrew R. Awtry, Brendan McAndrew, Frank K. Tittel , Anatoliy A. Kosterev, Rui Q. Yang , Cory J. Hill, Chung M. Wong, Baohua Yang, and Greg Bearman, SAE Technical Paper, SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-2266. (Society of Automotive Engineers, 2004).
"Targeted Self-Assembled Networks of Gold Nanoparticles and Bacteriophage as Biological Sensors." , Glauco R. Souza, Dawn R. Christianson, Fernanda I. Staquicini, Michael G. Ozawa, Evan Y. Snyder, Richard L. Sidman, J. Houston Miller, Wadih Arap, and Renata Pasqualini, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences, , 103, 1215-1220, 2006.
Cited by 276 as of Mar. 1, 2020
"CW OPOs break new spectral ground", Angus Henderson, Ryan Stafford and J. Houston Miller, Spectroscopy, November 2005.
"Elastic Light Scattering of Biopolymer/Gold Nanoparticles Fractal Aggregates", Glauco R. Souza and J. Houston Miller, Annual Review of Plasmonics, invited review, 2005.
"Detection Of Formaldehyde Using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy With An Interband Cascade Laser" J. Houston Miller, Yury A. Bakhirkin, Tibor Ajtai, Frank K. Tittel, Cory J. Hill, and Rui Q. Yang, Appl. Physics B, 85, 391-396 (2006).
Cited by 53 as of Mar. 1, 2020
“In Vivo Detection of Gold-imidazole Self-assembly Complexes: NIR-SERS Signal Reporters.” Glauco R. Souza, Carly S. Levin, Amin Hajitou, Renata Pasqualini, Wadih Arap, and J. Houston Miller, Anal. Chem., 78, 6232-6237 (2006).
Cited by 75 as of Mar. 1, 2020
“Computational and Experimental Study of a Forced, Time-Dependent, Methane-Air Coflow Diffusion Flame,” Dworkin, S.B., Connelly, B.C., Schaffer, A.M., Long, M.B., Smooke, M.D., Puccio, M.A., McAndrews, B. and Miller, J.H., Proc. Combust. Inst., 31, (2006).
Cited by 42 as of Apr. 26, 2018
“Bottom-Up Assembly of Hydrogels from Bacteriophage and Au Nanoparticles: The Effect of Cis- and Trans-Acting Factors”. Glauco R. Souza, Esra Yonel-Gumruk, Davin Fan, Jefferey Easley, Roberto Rangel, Renata Pasqualini, J. Houston Miller, and Wadih Arap, PLoS ONE 3(5): e2242. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002242.
Cited by 47 as of Feb. 20, 2018
“Measurements and Calculations of Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Methane/N2/Air, Non-Premixed Flame: Implications for Heat Release Rate,” Dworkin, S.B., Connelly, B.C., Schaffer, A.M., Long, M.B. Smooke, M.D., McAndrews, B., Puccio, M.A., and Miller, J.H., Proc. Comb. Inst. 32, 1311-1318 (2009).
Cited by 21 as of Feb. 20, 2018
“Computational and Experimental Evidence for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Aggregation in Flames”, Miller, J.H. and Herdman, J.D. in Combustion-generated Fine Particulate, (University Press Karlsruhe, 2009).
Cited by 6 as of Mar. 9, 2018
“Intermolecular Potential Calculations for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbon Clusters”, Herdman, J.D. and Miller, J.H. ,J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 6249, (2008).
“Development of a Multiple Gas Analyzer using Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy for use in Advanced Fire Detection”, Fallows, E.A., Cleary, T.G., and Miller, J.H., Applied Optics, 48, 695-703 (2009).
“Combinatorial targeting and nanotechnology applications”, Souza GR, Staquicini FI, Christianson DR, Ozawa MG, Miller JH, Pasqualini R, Arap W., Biomed. Microdevices (2009). [Aug 11. Epub ahead of print].
Cited by 19 as of Feb. 20, 2018