Extreme Makeover: Honors Edition

If you’ve ever heard from one of your friends, “I wish I was in the Honors Program!” then you should:

  1. tell them to sign up for sophomore application information for the Honors Program;
  2. stop rubbing your registration date in your friends’ faces.

When your friends sign up at go.gwu.edu/apply2uhp they’ll automatically receive the application when it’s available.  Students can only apply to join the UHP during the second semester of their freshman year, and the UHP only accepts 15 students to start in the UHP as sophomores. Competition is tough, but it’s definitely worth it!
Tell your friends to sign up at go.gwu.edu/apply2uhp for information on sophomore admission to the Honors Program.

There will be no bus. But we can cheer!
There will be no bus. But we can cheer!


Hey, You Should Really Be In Honors!

advice-featured-520x363If you’ve got friends that would make a good fit for the University Honors Program, be a friend to them and let them know about sophomore admission to the UHP!
Students can apply to the UHP during the second semester of their freshmen year.  Make sure they don’t miss the application by having them sign up for an information request at our website.
Signing up for that list will get you one or two emails in the early spring semester notifying when the internal application to the Honors Program is available.  We won’t abuse any emails and promise not to sell it to spammers.
When it comes time to apply, second-semester students will need a letter of rec from GWU faculty and a writing sample among other things.  Some good advice for prospective applicants: build a relationship with a professor, and do some excellent writing.
And of course, signing up for the sophomore admit info request list is a sure fire way to make sure the application doesn’t get missed.

Apply to be a Student Peer Advisor!

Student Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by planning events, actively engaging with current and prospective UHP students, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in taking control of your UHP experience and helping others succeed, consider applying to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, conflict resolution, time management and extracurriculars as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
New applicants should use this form
Returner applicants should use this form
Think you’re interested? Make sure to apply soon! The application deadline is this Friday, February 8th at 5:00pm. Applications should be submitted by email to uhpspa@gwu.edu with the subject line “SPA Application.” Please forward all questions regarding the application process to Eleanor Aldous (ealdous@gwmail.gwu.edu.). Decisions will be announced on March 4th.

Vermeer believes in you even if you don’t have a pearl earring. Apply for SPA today!

(Freshmen) Apply to the UHP!

The UHP is now accepting applications from freshmen to join the UHP! The deadline to apply is this Friday, February 8, 2013, at 5pm.
If you’ll be a second-semester freshman next semester (and you’re not already in the UHP) you can apply to join the UHP!  Download the (.doc) application directly from this link.
Current UHPers: do you have friends that have what it takes?  Share this post with them and encourage them to apply!

Want to get more involved with the UHP?

You’re in luck – we’re looking for our next batch of Student Peer Advisors!

Student Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by assisting fellow UHP students, meeting prospective students, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in leadership opportunities, events, and more UHP quality time, consider applying to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, conflict resolution, time management and extracurriculars as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
New applicants should use this form
Returner applicants should use this form
Think you’re interested? Make sure to apply soon! The application deadline is Friday, February 8th at 5:00pm. Applications should be submitted by email to uhpspa@gwu.edu with the subject line “SPA Application.” Please forward all questions regarding the application process to Eleanor Aldous (ealdous@gwmail.gwu.edu.). Decisions will be announced on March 4th.

(Freshmen) Apply to the UHP!


The UHP is now accepting applications from freshmen to join the UHP!
If you’ll be a second-semester freshman next semester (and you’re not already in the UHP) you can apply to join the UHP!  Download the (.doc) application directly from this link.
Current UHPers: do you have friends that have what it takes?  Share this post with them and encourage them to apply!