Extreme Makeover: Honors Edition

If you’ve ever heard from one of your friends, “I wish I was in the Honors Program!” then you should:

  1. tell them to sign up for sophomore application information for the Honors Program;
  2. stop rubbing your registration date in your friends’ faces.

When your friends sign up at go.gwu.edu/apply2uhp they’ll automatically receive the application when it’s available.  Students can only apply to join the UHP during the second semester of their freshman year, and the UHP only accepts 15 students to start in the UHP as sophomores. Competition is tough, but it’s definitely worth it!
Tell your friends to sign up at go.gwu.edu/apply2uhp for information on sophomore admission to the Honors Program.

There will be no bus. But we can cheer!
There will be no bus. But we can cheer!