Hello everyone! My name is Brian and I am originally from Los Angeles, but currently live in Nashville. I am a junior in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Political Science and minoring in Psychology and History, because I could never make up my mind! But seriously, I loved so many different fields that I struggled to make up my mind, so I encourage you all to try a diverse array of classes and don’t be afraid to add a minor…or two. The Honors Program has given me the chance to have in-depth intimate discussions and arguments with my peers and professors, who lead their field in research, publications, and knowledge. Professors in the UHP take an interest in the education of students and I have developed several strong, professional relationships with professors. I love trying new restaurants and exploring DC, I don’t think I ever want to leave the city!
Brian’s SPAcialties: Getting involved on campus (student orgs); community service opportunities; UHP advice; time management (sometimes I schedule my day down to the minute)
If you want to get in touch with Brian, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
Category: Student Peer Advisors
Student Peer Advisors are Honors Students with the know-how to help you how-to the UHP!
[SPA] Connor Schmidt CCAS '16 – Political Science
Hi everyone! My name is Connor Schmidt and I am a sophomore studying Political Science in the Columbian College. I’m from Hamilton, Massachusetts and I like going to concerts, golfing and watching tv in my spare time. And I’m also pretty seriously colorblind. I’m interested in US science and technology policy so DC, GW and the Honors program feel like the perfect combo for me. I can’t wait for next year and all our great SPA events!
Connor’s SPAcialties: Political Science majors; picking professors (I meet a lot of them through work); any tech problem (fixing things, handling email, Google calendar etc); financial aid and work study; general honors advice; living in non-honors housing; paper writing and editing; getting involved in student orgs (College Democrats!)
If you’d like to get in touch with Connor, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Eleanor Aldous CCAS '14 – Women's Studies
Howdy y’all! Me llamo Eleanor Aldous and I was born and raised in the great state of TEXAS. I am a senior in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Women’s Studies with a minor in Psychology. For those of you who are already worried about selecting a major, don’t be! I cannot tell you how many different courses I took and how much time I spent before I selected my major. Part of the reason I chose George Washington University is….location, location, location. While my major is women’s studies, I also enjoy an array of random subjects including psychology, criminal justice, and Spanish. When not studying, I am singing with the GW Vibes, participating in alt breaks fun, interviewing for the Senior Interviewer Program, and doing other random (but fun) things at GW. I love the small community the Honor’s Program provides, as well as the wonderful staff and professors that come along with it. Please take full advantage of your advisors (Liz and Catherine). They are the absolute jelly to my peanut butter (nomz).
Eleanor’s SPAcialties: A cappella; Camp Kesem; Alt breaks; theater; internships in DC; State Department application process; transitioning from the south to DC; scheduling; Women’s Studies; Spanish courses/teachers; honors housing; volunteer opportunities; psychology
If you’d like to get in touch with Eleanor, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Erin Brewer ESIA '15 – International Affairs
Howdy! My name is Erin Brewer and I am a sophomore (kinda) in the Elliot School studying international affairs with a concentration in development studies. My favorite thing about the honors program is all the interesting people you meet, including both your professors and your peers. My experience at GW has been exponentially improved by my involvement with the UHP. Some of my favorite things include eating, cooking, hiking, backpacking, and of course playing Ultimate Frisbee here at GW.
Erin’s SPAcialties: International Affairs Majors-General requirements and scheduling; Graduating Early-major requirements, dealing with anything and everything that could possibly go wrong; Study Abroad- fitting it into your 4 (or 3) year plan; Financial Stuff; scholarships, balancing a job with school and student orgs and having a social life.
If you’d like to get in touch with Erin, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Fatema Ghasletwala CCAS '16 – Political Science
Hello! I’m Fatema, a sophomore in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Political Science (Public Policy Focus), minoring in Biology, as well as following the pre-med track. I’m from East Windsor, New Jersey (which will always be the bee’s knees to me, despite the notions Hollywood perpetuates). I’m infatuated with the University Honors Program; basement study hours, professors, and all. I wear the battle scars from my two semesters of Honors Chemistry as badges of honor. When I’m not dweebing out with my Honors professors in office hours, I love Gchatting the wonderful Honors advisors (yes, I still Gchat), binge Netflixing (if it’s on TV, I’ve seen it. Try me.), and exploring DC. I also always have at least 3 board games in my room at any given time and sometimes I stress shop. Feel free to get in touch with me with about anything mentioned here, especially if you too are a future POTUS.
Fatema’s SPAcialties: Political Science things; pre-med things; Honors housing vs non-Honors housing; balancing academics, extracurriculars, and all the great things GW/DC have to offer; handling the expectations of super-involved parents; general #Honorsproblems
If you’d like to get in touch with Fatema, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Jacob Warwick CCAS '16 – Statistics & Political Science
Jacob’s SPAcialties: Any and all roommate situations, conflicts, etc.; I *love* helping with Origins classes and questions; other general UHP advice, especially regarding research
If you’d like to get in touch with Jacob, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Jessica McEntee SMPA '16 – Political Communications
Hello, my name is Jessica and I am a sophomore in the School of Media and Public Affairs. Right now I am majoring in Political Communications with a minor in Economics and Sustainability. The Honors Program has been a wonderful resource for more personal classes, great advising, and the chance to meet some interesting professors. While last year I rowed on the Women’s Crew team, this year I plan to play club volleyball instead!
Jessica’s SPAcialties: SMPA; work study jobs; managing and sport and honors; Vern life; food/grocery advice; figuring out the metro
If you’d like to get in touch with Jessica, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA] Kayleigh Ryherd CCAS '14 – Psychology
Hi! My name is Kayleigh (but you can call me Klee. I coined it myself and I think it’s sticking.) I am a senior (!!!) in CCAS majoring in Psychology and minoring in Logic and Speech and Hearing Science and I originally come from Boston. Just kidding, I’m from New Hampshire, but I probably live closer to Boston than you do, bub. The Honors program has given me the chance to experience small classes where I really get to know the professors, a process I usually find super difficult. I like everything, especially when it’s sunshiney and happy and there are kittens. Someday, I hope to have an impeccable Christopher Walken impression (but don’t hold me to that). Come see me at the bookstore — I’ll be there hanging clothes all day every day.
Kayleigh’s SPAcialties: Psychology majors (especially research); summer plans (i.e. how not to go home for the summer); roommate issues; honors anything; time management; transitioning from a small town to a big city; starting new things as a sophomore
If you’d like to get in touch with Kayleigh, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA 2013-2014] Kevin Frey CCAS & SMPA '14 – Journalism & Mass Communication
My name is Kevin. I am a junior from Lancaster, PA. A part of the School of Media and Public Affairs community, I am majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication and minoring in Music. I am very thankful to the Honors Program for pressing me beyond my comfort zone through classes on psychics and the Enlightenment. Outside of the Honors Program, I also participate in various music ensembles on campus, including the University Singers and Chamber Choir. I also work for the student-run television station, GW-TV, serving as the moderator of the political debate program, Colonial Crossfire.
Kevin’s SPAcialties: SMPA majors; student media; music; theater; Federal Work Study; classes with Prof. Christov
If you’d like to get in touch with Kevin, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!
[SPA] Kimya Forouzan ESIA '15 – International Affairs
Hey everyone! My name is Kimya. I am a junior majoring in International Affairs with a concentration in Global Public Health and minoring in Spanish & Women’s Studies. I am involved with a lot of service organizations here at GW, and I’m always looking for more ways to help my community. The Honors Program has helped me figure out what I’m most passionate about learning during my time at GW. When I’m not doing school work or activities with my student orgs, I love exploring DC with my friends, doing lots of yoga, and eating at Whole Foods. I will be studying abroad in Madrid, Spain in the Fall of 2013, but as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have!
Kimya SPAcialties: International Affairs majors; Spanish/other language courses; service opportunities; study abroad; 4-year planning; roommate issues; freshmen year transition process
If you’d like to get in touch with Kimya, email uhpspa@gwu.edu!