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University Honors Program Blog
Intellectual Omnivores Unite
Not sure about those Honors deadlines or upcoming events? Put it on autopilot by subscribing to our calendars.
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Prof. Miller’s “Capital Climate Initiative” Scientific Reasoning and Discovery course for Spring 2014 (HONR 1034:MV3) will be CLOSED for registration to any student who is not currently enrolled in his S&S course. The spring semester is a direct continuation of the fall semester, and it would be too difficult to “catch up” for students to join in the Spring.
Additionally, the course has new times:
We’ve assembled a crack team of Student Peer Advisors here to answer your every question and assuage your every fear. They’re hanging out in the Foggy Bottom townhouse all this week and next in order to help you get through registration unscathed.
If you’ve got questions, they’ve got answers. Should you take math? Should you take an extra math for fun? Should you major in math? Should you write a thesis in mathing? (They can even answer non-math related questions!!)
Overwhelmed by options? Underwhelmed by how far your GWorld money is going? Want to go abroad? Want to stay here forever? Us too. And SPA will be here, as long as you need them, until they have class or another obligation or something. Here’s the actual schedule if you’re not much for gambling.
Come and hang out…nothing sadder than a SPAcialist with no one to SPAssist.
Remember: You is smart. You is kind. You are welcome at the Townhouse for free advising. See you soon!
Got a hold? Got a question? Got a hankering for pizza? The UHP is holding some special registration season events to help!
Catherine can lift your hold and make sure you’re ready for the bright dawn of registration day at Hold Removal (and advising) Parties. CCAS students can get their advising holds lifted by Catherine, and everyone can use some excellent advising. Something else everyone can use: brunch and pizza!
–Sunday, October 27th from 11 am to 1 pm: brunch at Pelham Commons on the MVC
–Monday, October 28th from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom
–Thursday, October 31st from 12 to 2 pm: (FREE!) pizza in the Club Room on Foggy BOOttom
Second, we’ve got walk-in hours, where you can meet with Catherine sans appointment. In fact, you can’t make an appointment even if you wanted to, and that’s why all her times are unavailable online. Rather, come on in to the Foggy Bottom townhouse, hang out with SPA, Jared, and student staff in the lobby and wait for your chance to see the Wizard. Note that all walk-ins are on Foggy Bottom from 10am to 4pm.
– Monday, October 28th
– Thursday, October 31st
– Friday, November 1st
– Monday, November 4th
Third, here is a GIF of Honey Boo Boo ringing in the fall season. Don’t let registration questions and holds come crashing down on your head. Get out ahead of it with the fun events listed above!
SPA will be holding walk-in hours at the Foggy Bottom townhouse now through November 1st. SPA will be in the Club Room sometime between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Friday. To see exactly when and which SPA will be there, you can find the schedule here.
SPA will be available to help with any and all advising questions, but this week’s advising in particular will focus on four-year plans, and next week will be focused on scheduling classes for next semester.
So no need to panic about which classes to take or which of the ten different versions of your four-year plan you want to ultimately turn in to Catherine, simply stop by the Club Room and have a chat with your SPA. We’re here to help! Head to your Foggy Bottom appointments with Catherine a littler early (or stay late, or just come whenever!) and get a little extra support!
If you’ve ever heard from one of your friends, “I wish I was in the Honors Program!” then you should:
When your friends sign up at they’ll automatically receive the application when it’s available. Students can only apply to join the UHP during the second semester of their freshman year, and the UHP only accepts 15 students to start in the UHP as sophomores. Competition is tough, but it’s definitely worth it!
Tell your friends to sign up at for information on sophomore admission to the Honors Program.
Calling all Honors freshmen!
Do need advice about some aspect of life here at GW? Do you need help figuring out if you should spend a semester abroad, or deciding between five possible different majors (and three minors), or wondering how to score a sweet internship or research assistantship? Or do you just wanna chill with some UHPers?
Then join your SPA for some lively conversation and free food at our Intro to Advising event this Wednesday, October 9th. The event will be held on the Vern in West Hall, room B215, from 7-8pm. SPA will be there to advise you about studying abroad, writing your four-year plan, getting involved on campus, research and internships, choosing a major, and more!
Did we mention there will be food?
So join us next Wednesday and let your SPA drop some serious knowledge on you.
Join the author of the delightfully funny and enormously useful How to Not Write Bad: The Most Common Writing Problems and the Best Ways to Avoid Them for a discussion and light reception. Copies of his book will be available for purchase. Hosted by the University Honors Program and the University Writing Program.
Wednesday, October 23rd at 3PM
Ames Hall, B101 (Mt. Vernon Campus)
Ben Yagoda is a journalism professor at the University of Delaware. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of ten books, including Memoir: A History, Will Rogers: A Biography, and When You Catch an Adjective, Kill It, and has written for Slate, The New York Times Magazine, and publications that start with every letter of the alphabet except J, K, Q, X, and Z.
You could be doing important work on topics ranging from political interest groups to advanced biology. Be a research hero’s sidekick by partnering with a professor as a research assistant!
The deadline to apply to be a research assistant in spring 2014 is Friday, October 4th, 2013.
Why would you want to be a research assistant? You get an opportunity to do advanced scholarly work, partnering with a research faculty member here at GWU. Pick a topic that’s interesting to you (or go out on a limb and try exploring something completely new!) Some research assistantships can even be completed for academic credit.
Can you make jump from Californian sea urchin genetics to east coast science teaching and learning practices in the US educational system? Find out how Prof. Hammond did just that (and we’ll provide lunch!)
Professor Hammond talks about how she made the leap from investigating larval sea urchin gene expression in response to the environment in California, to investigating science learning and teaching practices in middle, high school, and undergraduate science classes on the east coast. Are there links between the two seemingly different arenas?
We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 15.