SURE Stories: Vestibular Ganglion Pathology in a Chick Model for Syndromic, Cogential Vestibular Disorders

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Fall 2023 SURE Award recipient, Katie Phillips (Neuroscience, ’25). Read on about Katie’s research and how she plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her experience!

As a first-year neuroscience student, I knew I wanted to partake in research to learn the practical application of class content. My UHP Peer Advisor connected me with Dr. Peusner, a Principal Investigator (PI) in the Department of Neurology at GW SMHS. Dr. Peusner’s work stood out to me because of her use of the chick animal model to reveal more about the vestibular ganglion (VG) and how its defects can affect children. I was excited to do research with applications to neurological and medical advancements, so I interviewed with her and was accepted into her lab! As a first-year student, I admit I had little neuroscience knowledge, but Dr. Peusner consistently indulged my curiosity and took the time to explain the importance of my work. Dr. Peusner showed interest in my success and took the time to teach me what was important to my work. Research, especially early in my time at GW, taught me fundamental neuroscience concepts and research techniques before taking neuroscience-specific courses and has allowed me to have opportunities I would not have had otherwise.

Dr. Peusner’s lab introduced a chick model to investigate the inner ear pathology of children with syndromic, congenital vestibular disorders (CVDs). Children with this disorder have a sac-like inner ear with missing or truncated semicircular canals, an ear structure essential for identifying movement in space. The otocyst is a part of the inner ear that is a fluid-containing organ containing otoliths, which are calcium crystals, that comprise the saccule (sac) and utricle (utr) (see images below). In humans and chicks, when the head is moved, gravity causes the membranes in the otoliths to move which bends the hair cells in your inner ear and sends information about the movement to the vestibular nerve and brain. By rotating the otocyst in the chick’s inner ear 180 degrees at the embryo day 2 (E2) stage, a sac-like inner ear forms, which is similar to what we see in children with CVDs. The procedure is referred to as the anterior-posterior (front-back) rotation of the otocyst and creates what the lab identifies as the ARO chick. The ARO chick is a study into the role of the semicircular canals in vestibular system neural circuitry, a circuit system whose neurons transmit signals from the outer ear to the brain are the VG cells. VG neurons are reduced in children with CVDs, so our lab investigates whether VG neurons survive or reduce at the embryo day 13 (E13) stage.

My research project involves working with E13 chick specimen images and analyzing the VG on IMARIS, a 3D image analysis software. I outline the boundaries of the VG, count the VG neurons, and determine the volume of the VG in normal (completely unrotated) and ARO (rotated) chicks. Using this information, I also use statistical analysis to determine the differences between normal and ARO chicks. I will be using the SURE award to pay for my IMARIS sessions and data collection, and it will assist me in publishing a paper with my research in top journal. Following the publication of the paper, I plan to continue in Dr. Peusner’s lab analyzing the VG in the hatchling stage (H5) and completing my senior thesis. I will continue to outline the VG, count VG neurons, and use other statistical analysis tests to analyze the hatchling stage of chick development. Using these findings, I plan to create a poster presentation for the 2024 Society for Neuroscience conference and contribute to a paper for the hatchling phase as my senior thesis product.

Undergraduate research has been an incredibly valuable experience, in which I have learned critical analysis skills, gained knowledge of statistics and fundamental neuroscience, and had the opportunity to present as a first author at the Society for Neuroscience conference. These abilities will help me in future endeavors, as I plan to become a practicing physician, caring for patients potentially with the disorders whose development I study. Without my involvement in research, I would have missed out on countless opportunities for professional and academic development. I also believe that by getting involved in research early, I have had an advantage in my classes since I connect what I learned in class with my research, and have a deeper understanding of the content. I would like to thank Professors Carol and Lee Sigelman for the opportunity to continue my work with the use of the SURE award. I want to express to any undergraduate considering research to give it a try – you will be surprised and grateful for the opportunities you find!

Interested in applying for your own SURE Award funding? Find out more about the application process here!

SURE Stories: Exploring Public Attitudes Toward School Vouchers in a Religious School Context

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Fall 2023 SURE Award recipient, Alex Lucero (Political Science with a Public Policy focus, ’24). Read on about Alex’s research and how he plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon his experience!

In 2022, the United States Supreme Court decided Carson v. Makin. Maine had enacted a tuition assistance program for parents who live in areas not serviced by a particular school district. Under the program, parents could choose the school they would like their child to attend, and the state would contribute funds toward the cost of the school’s tuition. Parents could send their child to any accredited private school but were prohibited from using the program toward religious, “nonsectarian” schools. The Court decided that Maine’s “nonsectarian” requirement for an otherwise generally available tuition assistance program violates the First Amendment. In light of this ruling, policymakers and voters are faced with two choices: to either support voucher programs with the knowledge that some families will use public funds at religious private schools or to oppose school voucher programs altogether.

For my senior thesis project, I designed a survey to test whether presenting voting-age Americans with information about the inclusion of religious private schools within a school voucher program affects their attitudes toward state-wide school voucher programs. The survey also aims to test whether the attitudes of voting-age Americans are further impacted by information about the specific religion of a religious private school included within the program. This survey will present respondents with a fictional newspaper vignette about Liam and Dana Bagher, who hope to send their child to an unconventional private school. The survey utilizes a cross-sectional design, where each group is told that the school is either a secular Montessori school, a religious Protestant school, a religious Muslim school, or a religious Jewish school. All four stories emphasize that while these schools meet state standards, the students will receive a non-traditional education in life.

To ensure my results are representative, and my conclusions are generalizable, I will contract with a professional online polling company. With the help of the SURE award and funding provided by the Loeb Institute for Religious Freedom at George Washington University, I hope to gather a survey pool of roughly 500-1000 respondents. Designing this survey has taught me a lot about creating survey questions. Additionally, going through the IRB review process has given me an interesting look into the many important ethical considerations that go into designing a survey. My research will allow policymakers to understand the political feasibility of advocating for school voucher legislation, given that policymakers can no longer exclude families who wish to use these benefits toward religious education.

Interested in applying for your own SURE Award funding? Find out more about the application process here!

SURE Stories: Ultrasound Modulation of Melatonin Release

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Fall 2023 SURE Award recipient, Lexi Carmine (Biomedical Engineering, ’24). Read on about Lexi’s research and how she plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her experience!

Hello!! My name is Lexi and I am a senior Biomedical Engineering major. I am in Professor Zderic’s Therapeutic Ultrasound Lab and am currently working on a project dealing with the ultrasound modulation of melatonin release. I have always been very passionate about research and I found this lab when I took Professor Zderic’s class and I have loved working with ultrasound ever since. I plan to utilize the award money to continue my work on this project as it has been successful in finding statically significant results. I have learned so much from working on this project and the amount of doors that it has opened for me has been incredible. I have gotten to travel to Seattle to present my work at the BMES conference and network with various companies and schools there. Excitingly, I have also just accepted an offer for the Post Baccalaureate Program at the NIH continuing to work on ultrasound-related research with the Frank Lab. I don’t think that I would have been able to find opportunities such as these without this project, and I appreciate the SURE award greatly in supporting those endeavors. By expanding my work on my current project, I hope to continue finding promising results and present at another conference in the upcoming semester. The next steps in my work are to add a positive control as I did not have that before, and continue to run trials at various frequencies. Research is amazing to me because not only does it allow you to find those answers for yourself, it truly teaches you so much about yourself and it has taught me to be a patient and really built upon my problem-solving capabilities. Not everything always works out like it is supposed to in experiments, and understanding that simple fact has allowed me to become someone that can evolve with any situation. You learn to think critically and make tough decisions and then you can learn from your mistakes. That being said, I am so excited to continue growing from this project in the Spring semester and I am so grateful for the university’s support and support from the Honors program!

Interested in applying for your own SURE Award funding? Find out more about the application process here!


SURE Stories: A International Lens on Harm Reduction Efforts and Disparities in DC

The following blog post was written by fellow UHPer and Fall 2023 SURE Award recipient, Mykala Bledsoe (Sociology, ’25). Read on about Mykala’s research and how she plans to utilize the SURE Award funding to further expand upon her experience!

I began my research when completing a project on drug crime disparities, from access to substance use resources to the role of the criminal legal system. Harm reduction and decriminalization became a large part of my research when developing recommendations for how access to harm reduction programs and materials should be prioritized when addressing the overdose epidemic in DC. This developed into my thesis research which addresses harm reduction in three main parts: local data on disparities in access to harm reduction resources; using international perspectives and examples from Portugal, Switzerland, and the Netherlands; and the implementation of a harm reduction peer educator program. The last of which is a curriculum of harm reduction skills for substance use and nonviolence, interpersonal skills, and drug policy education for students to take and apply directly with community partners. It is also important to note that centering the perspectives and needs of those most directly affected by these disparities in my research is necessary to serve any community most effectively. The award money will be used to directly fund the supplies for the peer educator program that will be provided to serve DC communities. Materials like Narcan, sterile syringes, fentanyl test strips, etc are crucial in preserving the dignity of life for people who use drugs; however, these are incredibly underfunded and underserved to marginalized communities.

Additionally, the next steps for my project are to conduct my research and get approval from the IRB to conduct qualitative interviews in Switzerland and alongside DC community partners. Then I will further develop my recommendations for policy implementation as a multi-faceted program in DC. I would also love to make it to Portugal to do some research too! The SURE award was a wonderful opportunity to explore questions within my thesis without worrying about economic barriers. I am so excited to be able to use the grant to serve my community!

Interested in applying for your own SURE Award funding? Find out more about the application process here!

UHPers Meet NC State Honors Students!

Students from NC State University’s Honors Program visited D.C. during their Fall Break, from October 6th-9th. During their visit, they met up with students from our Honors Program to make connections, explore the city, and see GW’s campus!

On Sunday, students from both programs met in the UHP Townhouse and then walked over to the Renwick Museum to explore the galleries. The next day, the NCSU students returned to campus to meet more of our students and hear from Katie Hendrickson, the Deputy Chief of Staff at the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Students learned about the function of the USTR, working for the federal government, and were given occupational and networking advice, all while enjoying Chipotle!

Thank you to our friends over in the NCSU Honors Program – we hope to see you in D.C. again soon!














Fall 2023 ‘Nature Appreciation” Capstone Explore the DC Outdoors!

This September, seniors in the “Nature Appreciation” Capstone visited various outdoor sites around D.C., such as the U.S. Botanic Garden and the Smithsonian’s Enid A. Haupt Garden! Students were given the opportunity to appreciate the biodiversity of life found within the city, and take time to (literally) stop and smell the flowers. Be on the lookout for when Professor Moreira offers Capstone again in Fall 2024!

Celebrate National Voter Education Week with GW Votes!

October 2nd through 6th is National Voter Education Week! GW Votes will be tabling, sharing resources, and hosting interactive activities with the GW community on getting registered, navigating mail ballots, creating a vote plan, understanding what’s on the ballot, and more!

Join us at Anniversary Park on Thursday October 5th, from 10am-3pm, or on the Mount Vernon Campus Quad on Friday October 6th, from 12:30-3:30pm!

Major issues don’t take years off. Vote in your 2023 state and local elections to make your voice heard! Statewide elections are occurring in Virginia, New Jersey, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Pennsylvania this November. Ohio, Texas, and Maine will also have statewide referendums on the ballot!

Get #VoteReady this week with GW Votes while enjoying free food and giveaways!

We hope to see you there, and most importantly, we hope you join us in celebrating by registering or requesting your ballot with TurboVote!

Contact with any voter questions.

Professor on the Town at the Hamilton Live with Prof. Kirwin

Students in Professor Matthew Kirwin’s Africa Identities course took in a concert by Niger’s guitar maestro Bombino at the Hamilton Live On September 15th.  The students were able to attend thanks to the “Professor on the Town” program.  This initiative, which allows faculty to introduce students to events all around Washington, D.C., exposed the students to an artist who sings about the plight of the Taureg, a nomadic ethnic group that resides primarily in the Sahara region of Niger, Mali and Algeria.  Bombino recently released his new album Sahel and many of his songs address the humanitarian and security challenges that the Taureg face.  Bombino shared his thoughts on recent political events in Niger offering that in instances such as these the poor are the ones who suffer the most.  The Bombino concert was also covered by NPR’s Leila Fadel on Morning Edition.  Senior Honors Program student Lucas Souza remarked that “Bombino’s music was a great opportunity to take a trip somewhere very far from Foggy Bottom.”

students at the bombino concert