You're invited to The Kalb Report [SPA Event]

Want to see behind-the-scenes of a television show production? The Kalb Report is going to be filming another live episode on November 19th with nightly news legend Tod Koppel, and you’re invited! Join SPAs Bryan and Kevin and volunteer at The Kalb Report, and learn what really goes into a television production. This is a great opportunity for all GW students, but especially if you’re in SMPA! Oh, and you get free pizza too, so it’s a win-win!
Volunteers need to be available between 5:30 and 9:30pm on Monday, November 19th. Send Bryan an email at by Tuesday, November 13th if you’re able to come, so we can make sure that there’s a role for you!
And if you’re not interested in volunteering, you can still come and sit in the studio audience and watch an awesome show. Get tickets at before they’re sold out!

Freshmen – Do you remember your strengths?

Popeye has strengths... and so do you!
Hey there, UHP Freshmen! Remember taking StrengthsFinder in September? Remember your top five talent themes? Remember how most were scarily accurate… and how we’re really strong in executing and strategic thinking? It’s time to use those strengths, remember what you do best, and take this survey:
Taking this survey will help us improve our programming for the future – and is a great way to procrastinate from doing other work.
If you have any questions email Liz!

Prof. Miller and Rio Hart Present UHP Course at Conference

Most students spend their time taking classes, having fun and participating in extracurriculars. It takes a certain type of young adult to spend their free time researching algae as a source of biofuel. But that’s just what junior Rio Hart did during his freshman year–and beyond.
When the University Honors Program freshmen entered Professor Houston Miller’s science classroom on the first day, they were in for a surprise. Rather than the usual introduction or high school review, students were thrown into a business scenario. They pitched their idea to an investor (in this case, Professor Miller) and then began troubleshooting their plans. Continue reading “Prof. Miller and Rio Hart Present UHP Course at Conference”

Baby William's Book Tasting

As a member of the UHP’s intellectual community, junior program officer William Chandler offers book recommendations beyond your syllabi.


My parents always told me you can’t read Gibbon’s “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” straight through without a breather.  So I recently picked up, then repeatedly dropped, Learn the Alphabet with Northwest Coast Native Art,” a charming hardcover from the shop at the Museum of the American Indian right here in DC!
With images such as (WOAH, JUST LOOKED AT MY HANDS! WOAH!! WOAH.) “F frog”, “J journey” and “U unity” made up of stylized animals, plants and natural forms in exciting color combinations, the book provides an excellent introduction to the popular artistic tradition of the Pacific Northwest.  And letters.
The book is also printed in soy-based inks on paper sourced from sustainable forests with non-toxic coatings, making it ecologically sound as well as safe to nom.  (OMG I’M SO HUNGRY). Educational, visually stimulating and fun to chew, “Learn the Alphabet” earns 4 out of 5 “Goos.”

James Joyce Loved ….. Cats [Good Article]

Loved cats. Not so sure about Danes.

Why do cats rule the Internet? Probably because people who love to write also inexplicably love cats.  Likewise, cats love to write (or they would if they could.  They certainly love keyboards.)
The UHP of course, takes every opportunity to use pictures of cats online — but did you know that some pretty famous writers share our infatuation?
Turns out that James Joyce wrote a charming letter to his grandson in 1936 that has recently been published as a short story.  Guess what the story features prominently: cats.
Check out the full article over at BrainPickings to read more about it, and see the whimsical illustrations that accompany the story.

What did that course count for?

Honors course archives ARE the national treasure.

While you finalize your schedules for next semester, you might want a refresher on what some previous Honors courses were about, or what they fulfilled in your major/school.
Previous semesters’ course offerings are available for review online at our Course Offerings page (just scroll to the bottom.)  Or, you can click here and go right to them.

Lil' Franny Dee is Out There

Lil’ Franny Dee made an appearance this week in a UHP publication, but nobody has spotted her yet!  To help you out, she appeared in something from the UHP that came this week,  so don’t bother looking farther into the past than that.
If you spot her, you can win a $10 gift card.  She’s tiny and black and white.  (So that means not large and in color.)
Be the first to exclaim where you saw her on our Facebook wall, and you can win!
Continue reading “Lil' Franny Dee is Out There”

Follow Us In Circles (On Google+)!

“A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles” – Tim Cahill

…and the University Honors Program is looking for friends to share the journey with!  Follow us in circles (or just add us to yours…) on Google+ and remember, it’s the journey that matters, not the destination.  Along the way, enjoy the easy access to a bunch of important information including free food alerts, great events, internship and job opportunities, and deadlines!

Wiley Walk-In Workshop!

It’s Tuesday!  That means tonight is a research workshop at the Townhouse.  Hurricane Sandy washed us out last week, but we’re totally back on track.  Even though you can no longer just walk in to see Liz or Catherine (except on Wednesday nights!), you can still saunter up for research help!
With a little more clicking than the library homepage, the Gelman’s research tools can lead you to a magical land of first-rate research resources.
They have shared this knowledge with me, and now I can share it with you!
Do you know how to expertly research?


Continue reading “Wiley Walk-In Workshop!”