A UHP Internship Experience

by Katherine Rompilla, Class of 2025

As a senior majoring in political communication at GW, I knew I wanted to gain work experience in press and communications before graduation. Previously, I have been fortunate enough to intern in the House of Representatives, in the Senate, on numerous political campaigns, and for nonprofit organizations. This semester, I was looking to gain further experience working in high-pressure, quick-moving environments.

Most jobs and internships in political spaces have quick turnover. For someone looking to work in Congress in August, late June or early July is a normal time to go through the application process. The internship that I currently have had a more scrutinous and drawn out process. To begin my internship in September, I needed to apply in May. The application and interview process is also more intense. I had to write multiple essays, participate in many rounds of interviews, complete an extensive background check, and pass a drug test.

While I have gone through numerous interviews before, I do not remember preparing for any interview as much as I prepared for these ones. To anyone preparing for an internship interview, I suggest conducting research on the organization or person you wish to work for, critically thinking about why you want the position and how it will advance your career goals, and making a list of your own strengths, weaknesses, and obstacles. For anyone with previous internship or work experience, it is important to draw connections between your experience, and maybe even struggles, in past positions with the opportunities that this new role presents. If you do not have previous work experience, it is completely appropriate to connect educational experiences, whether that be in class or with school organizations, to the role you are applying for.

After completing this work, articulating it in interviews, and going through numerous schedule negotiations with multiple potential supervisors, I am so happy to begin my internship at the White House on September 16th.

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