Welcome Back – Letter from Director Kung


I wanted to welcome you into the spring semester. I miss seeing you all in person! I miss chatting over hot chocolate in the Townhouse or sharing lunch while listening to an interesting talk. I know that I am personally looking forward to engaging again with students and being immersed in learning both for the pure joy of it and because I truly believe in GW and the UHP’s mission of preparing today’s students to become tomorrow’s thinkers, problem solvers, altruists and leaders.

Given GW’s location just blocks from the White House, every four years Inauguration Day brings both energy and strong emotions to our campus. Regardless of your political leanings, the inauguration serves as a reminder of the democratic principles which define the United States of America. Unfortunately, this week saw an attack on Congress that was in direct conflict with these principles and fueled by misinformation and hatred. So now we head into what was already a charged semester framed by an epidemic with emotions such as fear, doubt, anger and sadness more heightened than ever. There are many equally valid responses to such emotions, including a desire to contribute in some ways to change. Just remember that you can only be a part of history if you also take care of yourself. I encourage each of you to seek out all the support that you need this semester, both academically and emotionally – resource links are provided at the end of this message. 

Though at times it can be hard to focus on classwork, remember that among the many ideals of an education in the liberal arts – what you are working so hard for – is the chance to become an informed citizen and critical thinker: someone who is practiced at interrogating information, taking nothing for granted, and recognizing biases and uncertainties in data. With these skills, your life and your actions may be guided by evidence, so that you can have a positive influence on the world around you.

Finally, a note to all our graduating students this year. When commencement had to be cancelled in 2020, none of us envisioned that the bicentennial would also have to be held at a distance. We are disappointed that we won’t get to give you an in-person send off this coming May, but we will still celebrate you in all possible ways. Graduation is an important symbol, of course, but the true achievement was years of late nights, study sessions, drafts and revisions, failures and successes, new friends and new experiences, all of which you will carry with you forever.  

As always, your UHP faculty, staff and advisors are available to support you this semester, and we urge you to reach out at any time. 

Bethany Cobb Kung
Director, University Honors Program
Associate Professor of Honors and Physics


Counseling and Psychological Services: https://healthcenter.gwu.edu/counseling-and-psychological-services

Office for Student Success: https://studentsuccess.gwu.edu/

Academic Commons: https://academiccommons.gwu.edu/

Office of Advocacy & Support: https://safety.gwu.edu/oas

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Engagement: https://diversity.gwu.edu/

Make an appointment with a UHP Program Manager: https://honorsprogram.gwu.edu/make-appointment