A Note on Walter Wallace

Like for many of you, the needless murder of Walter Wallace has been difficult to process. As a program, we firmly condemn the countless murders of Black people as a result of racism and systemic oppression. Please know that UHP staff and faculty stand by you through difficult events such as these, and we strongly encourage you to take advantage of the supportive resources available to you as a GW student. We also implore you to continue to educate yourself on issues related to racism and hate, and how to be an advocate for marginalized communities. 


GW Resources:

Counseling and Psychology Services 

Multicultural Student Center 

GW Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement

GW Bias Incident Reporting

GW’s Office of Advocacy and Support 


Anti-Racist Resources We Are Reading: 

Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Anti-racist resources

Educational and actionable resources

A Detailed List of Anti-Racism Resources: Book, movie recommendations, and more