How To: Online School with Peer Advisor Meilian Kurlas


Hello lovely person who’s reading this! If this is around the time it was posted, then happy beginning of the semester!! Sadly, it’s not the traditional beginning, meaning endless use of Webex, Zoom, and Blackboard Collaborate. Virtual learning can make focusing and finding motivation difficult, but I have some tips for you! Thanks to my experience of online school from last semester, meetings with peers and faculty, and TikToks, I have compiled a list of tips:

  1. Find your dedicated workspace where there is less chance of you falling asleep (so your bed may not be the ideal place to have class:/). It helps to have the separation of work and life, so leaving the place where you relax as solely the place you relax will help you get the break from work you’ll eventually need.
  2. Eliminate distractions – that includes phones (TikTok is a black hole for me), people (don’t let your family distract you), and even laptops. Since everything is now online, don’t let yourself stray away from class by playing an online game or scrolling through a feed in another tab. Try to give yourself a clear workspace when in class (you can do that by having a desktop for classes where the only tab open is what’s related to the lecture you’re in).
  3. Set goals for yourself. They can be small like once you finish reading a page or section, reward yourself with a piece of candy. Or they can be large like once you complete an assignment, allow yourself to watch one episode of a show you’re currently watching. But just ONE. That can easily turn into the whole series, which has happened to me, but please try to practice self-control (which I am still trying to figure out) – because practice can turn into habits!
  4. Schedule your day. I bought this planner from Target that has each hour listed so I can plan the exact times I will complete an assignment and take breaks (and don’t forget to drink some water and eat!). If you’re motivated to stick to your schedule, then you’ll be more productive during the allotted time. But also note that you can use Google Calendar or any other type of planner system that’s best for you.
  5. Create study groups with friends. Even though we’re in different parts of the world, we can still connect through video chat! Being productive can be much easier when you’re surrounded by other productive people.
  6. Know when to give yourself a break. It’s easy to say you’ll go to sleep after you finish this assignment, but if that turns out to be harder than expected, then accept it and give your brain a rest. If staying up late works for you, then go ahead and do that. But remember that you may have synchronous classes early in the morning. Just know how your body works and what’s best for your mental health.

A little side note: one account I found on TikTok (@oneoldkid) posts videos with brain breaks. He strengthens your cross lateral skills by giving small exercises to practice. One example is pointing with one hand and giving a thumbs up with the other. Then you switch them. You can find other exercises on his account, just be aware of how long you’re scrolling! It can easily turn into hours, so be mindful.

Speaking of mindfulness, here’s a quick breathing exercise. You can practice these anytime throughout the day. They’re nice ‘resets’ for when you may feel overwhelmed.


Good luck this semester! You all will do great things 😊.

(from your peer advisor) Mei

2 thoughts on “How To: Online School with Peer Advisor Meilian Kurlas

  1. Wendy C

    Thank you!
    Yes, the beginning of the semester is not at all what we are used to. But we will manage.
    The whole world is getting used to distance learning, and time will show that this learning can be effective.
    But… can’t I really study in bed? This is the best place in my home.

  2. Daneele Mavis

    My new semester has started again remotely! It is relevant for me! Thank you!
    It’s really hard to concentrate on learning material while at home, but I think I can do it!

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