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FaceTime Fail

FaceTime LogoIf you use an iPhone, chances are you use FaceTime. Several sources have reported a bug discovered in the FaceTime application. The vulnerability allows a caller to remotely listen to the recipient's microphone before the recipient accepts the FaceTime call. It has also been reported that a variation of this vulnerability will allow a caller to receive video prior to the recipient accepting the FaceTime call.

Apple is working to release a software update to correct the problem later this week. In the meantime, we recommend the GW community disable FaceTime on Apple devices including iPads, iPhones, and Macs.

Instructions for iOS (12.1):

  1. Unlock device and go to “Settings”
  2. Scroll to FaceTime
  3. Toggle FaceTime off

Instructions for macOS (10.14):

  1. Open FaceTime application
  2. Click on the FaceTime menu (to the right of the Apple menu in the top left corner of the screen)
  3. Select “Turn FaceTime off”

Questions? For questions or to report any problems, please contact GW Information Technology at 202-994-GWIT (4948), or IT.GWU.EDU.
