By rmattiola
This last week was writing week. A week full of headaches and confusion and maybe even some tears if I’m being completely honest. My roommate told me the other day, “This is like finals but a month long instead of a week long”. Thank god for roommates.
This week I was finally able to listen to music while working since I’m no longer transcribing interviews. Often when I listen to music I get a little caught up in the beats or the lyrics and go on song investigation sprees. On one of these youtube browsing-npr podcast searching-consequence of sound-reading expeditions on Bon Iver’s new album, I found a press conference where he answered questions about song titles and lyric inspiration.
He described a soul-searching traveling experience that landed him on Greek islands, stranded and helpless. He started to sing a line to himself, “this might be over soon”. He recorded the verse one night and apparently didn’t make any more music until the next year. So he had this one verse to keep listening to over and over again. Eventually he said, a part of his voice sounded like he was saying 2, 2. This number 22 represented duality for him, and he eventually applied this concept of duality to the line “it might be over soon”. One could be saying, “Thank god, it might be over soon” or “Geez, I can’t believe it, how sad, it might be over soon”.