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Ya sou!

By kyrahaltman

"Ya sou" (hello) from Athens, Greece!

After five days of living on another continent, I am humbled by the culture shock I have experienced and amazed by the architecture and ancient structures of Athens. I look forward to beginning classes next week at Arcadia University, studying archaeology, anthropology, Greek art, and philosophy, as well as meeting my internship supervisor at Inter Alia. Yes, you read that correctly. I am studying PHILOSOPHY in ATHENS! Excited to be part of a program that values cultural education, social justice, and experiential learning, Arcadia in Athens was my first choice!

Inter Alia is self-described as the "Civic Action Meeting Point" of Greece. I have chosen to intern with this organization because of its various initiatives that use education to empower young people across Europe. I will be working specifically on a project called, "Grapes of Wrath." Many may recognize this title, as it is inspired by the famous book read in schools around the world. You can visit Inter Alia's website at! Their mission is to "bring people closer to each other and to Europe through breaking stereotypes, analysing and deconstructing conflict, engaging actively in key political issues and dialogue."

While in Greece, I will also be studying the history of Jewish refugees coming to Athens during WWII. Athens was a safe haven for thousands of Jews, and many Greek Catholic ministers provided fake identification to Jewish people to save them from the Holocaust. I look forward to learning more about this history and diving into this incredible story of courage and love.

To be continued...xo