Lab Facilities
The ECE Department has laboratories in Science and Engineering Hall and Tompkins Hall that directly support both undergraduate and graduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.
Laboratory equipment, computer hardware and software is upgraded yearly. For the teaching labs, the ECE Laboratory Committee prepares and submits a plan for equipment acquisition to the department Chair. Upon approval, it is sent to the Supervisor of ECE Laboratories for implementation. Equipment for the research labs is funded both by both internal support as well as by external grants and contracts.
Science and Engineering Hall
Room and Description
SEH 5040 Circuits Laboratory I
SEH 6040 Circuits Laboratory II
SEH 6050 Power Engineering Laboratory
SEH B2000 Micro/Nanosystems Laboratory
SEH 5900 Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory
SEH 5900 Electric Power Research Laboratory
SEH 5950 GW WavesLab
SEH 5750 High Performance Computing Architectures and
Technologies Laboratory
SEH 5950 Orthogonal Physics Enabled Nanophotonics
SEH 5980 The Institute for MEMS & VLSI Technology
Tompkins Hall
Room and Description
203 Biomedical Engineering Senior Laboratory
409 Open Senior Laboratory