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Anywhere is Your Classroom

On October 9th President LeBlanc announced GW’s plan’s for Spring operations. This also means the cancellation of traditional spring events including commencement. While this change is frustrating and it is a little hard to get used to this new normal there are some positives to consider about online classes.

Having classes online gives you so much more flexibility, meaning anywhere can become your classroom. Midterms week is usually stressful and consists of all nighters and cramming, making sure you are able to remember all the information you’ve learned over the course of the semester. This semester I did my midterms a little different.

My boyfriend was going to be in Myrtle beach with his family and asked me to tag along. at first I looked at him like he was crazy because he knew I was starting a new job and had exams to take and study for.

 “It’s all online right?” 

He was right. Everything was online so what was stopping me from going? I packed all my stuff and drove down to SC to stay for 4 days and it was an amazing trip. While my days were still filled sitting in room in front of the computer, simply changing the scenery really helped to break the monotony of my usual schedule. 

While this ‘new normal’ is definitely a little frustrating because it’s disrupting the way we know things to be, we should also take a step back and look at how it gives us more freedom and flexibility in our schedules.

Myrtle Beach Boardwalk and Promenade | Sand Dunes Resort
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