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Let’s Get Clinical

Andy Garrett on the National MallAndy Garrett did his part for the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing celebration on the National Mall in July. Garrett, associate professor and program director for Emergency Health Services in CRL, worked as a field physician at the event with the GW Emergency Medicine Department’s Event Team. Since February, Garrett has worked withthe multi-disciplinary team of providers at major events in the area. Besides the Apollo 11 anniversary event, he’s worked the Cherry Blossom Festival and the Rock and Roll Marathon. Garrett also works with the District's Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and is a federal medical officer with the Maryland-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), which provides support to communities impacted by disasters through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Starting this fall, Garrett will work periodically as an urgent care physician for Children's National Medical Center in the Emergency Department at United Medical Center in D.C. Garrett holds a secondary appointment in Emergency Medicine at GW.