Synchrophasor Anomaly/Event Detection and Localization
Click for Data and Instructions
About the Competition:
We invite students, researchers, and engineers to participate in the Synchrophasor Anomaly/Event Detection and Localization competition at the SGSMA 2024. This exciting competition challenges participants to develop innovative solutions using synchrophasor data to swiftly detect and precisely locate anomalies and events in power networks. This competition provides a unique platform for students to showcase their expertise in data analysis, machine learning, algorithm development, and real-time monitoring.

Participation in the competition is open to student teams from accredited engineering programs at colleges and universities at any location. Teams of 3-4 students are recommended.
The primary goal of this competition is to advance the tools using synchrophasor data in the context of anomaly/event detection and localization. Participants will utilize the provided training data to develop robust models capable of accurately identifying and localizing anomalies or events in real-time synchrophasor data streams.
Competition Criteria:
Participants will receive training data and network data a month in advance to build and fine-tune their models. The participants need to submit their codes based on the training data. During the registration process, please indicate your interest to participate in this competition. During the conference, participants will be presented with a fresh set of test data against which their submitted code will be evaluated by them. The effectiveness of the solutions will be evaluated based on the accuracy of detection and localization, as well as the speed and efficiency of the algorithms using metrics like recall and precision.
Recognition and Awards:
We recognize the outstanding efforts of participants and will provide the following:
- Recognition and presentation in the panel;
- Certificate and monetary award of $750, $500 and $250 for the first second and third. (Monetary award may change in case of tie)
Data and Competition Instructions:
Please visit here for more information on the data, system, and competition instructions.
For inquiries and registration details, please contact us at:
Vignesh Krishnan <>