- Ph.D., 1983, University of Maryland,
Advisor: Anatole Katok (Math Genealogy)
- MA, 1981, University of Maryland.
- BA, 1977, Tufts University.
Professional Positions:
- 2024 Professor Emeritus.
- 1999-2023, Professor of Mathematics, George Washington University, Washington D .
- 2000 (Spring), Visiting Scholar, U. of Maryland, U. Utrecht, Tsuda College.
- 1990-1999, Associate Professor of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
- 1993-1997, Chair, Department of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
- 1991/92, Member, The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.
- 1991 (Fall), Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland.
- 1986-1990, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
- 1986/87, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
- 1984-1986, Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
- 1983/84, Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.

Ph.D. Students
Math Genealogy
- Hyeeun Jang, Directional Expansiveness, Ph.D. 2021.
Erblin Mehmetaj, On the r-Continued Fraction Expansions of Real Numbers, Ph.D. 2014.
Joseph Herning, Spectrum and Factors of Substitution Dynamical Systems, Ph.D. 2013.
Tyler White, Topologically Mixing Tiling of R2 Generated by a Generalized Substitution, Ph.D. 2012.
Tetyania Andress, The Spectrum and the First Čech Cohomology Group of a One Dimensional Tiling Dynamical System, Ph.D. 2007.
Krzystof Wargan, S-adic Dynamical Systems and Bretteli Diagrams, Ph.D. 2002.
Clifford Hansen, The Dynamics of Multidimensional Substitutions, Ph.D. 1999.
Tom Fitzkee, Weakly Mixing Tiling Flows Arising from Interval Exchange Transformations, Ph.D. 1998.
Karma Dajani, Simultaneous Recurrence of Weighted Cocycles, Ph.D. 1989.