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Professional Positions:

  • 2024 Professor Emeritus.
  • 1999-2023, Professor of Mathematics, George Washington University, Washington D .
  • 2000 (Spring), Visiting Scholar, U. of  Maryland, U. Utrecht, Tsuda College.
  • 1990-1999, Associate Professor of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
  • 1993-1997, Chair, Department of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
  • 1991/92, Member, The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.
  • 1991 (Fall), Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland.
  • 1986-1990, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, The George Washington University.
  • 1986/87, Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.
  • 1984-1986, Lecturer in Mathematics, University of  Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
  • 1983/84,  Member, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley.





Ph.D. Students

Math Genealogy
  • Hyeeun Jang, Directional Expansiveness, Ph.D. 2021. 
  • Erblin Mehmetaj, On the r-Continued Fraction Expansions of Real Numbers, Ph.D. 2014.

  • Joseph Herning, Spectrum and Factors of Substitution Dynamical Systems, Ph.D. 2013.

  • Tyler White, Topologically Mixing Tiling of R2 Generated by a Generalized Substitution, Ph.D. 2012.

  • Tetyania Andress, The Spectrum and the First Čech Cohomology Group of a One Dimensional Tiling Dynamical System, Ph.D. 2007.

  • Krzystof Wargan, S-adic Dynamical Systems and Bretteli Diagrams, Ph.D. 2002.

  • Clifford Hansen, The Dynamics of Multidimensional Substitutions, Ph.D. 1999.

  • Tom Fitzkee, Weakly Mixing Tiling Flows Arising from Interval Exchange Transformations, Ph.D. 1998.

  • Karma Dajani, Simultaneous Recurrence of Weighted Cocycles, Ph.D. 1989.