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By emreceyhun

This week, my friend Hotsuki (from Japan), Anthony (from France), Annie (from Australia but originally from China), and I had chance to have an amazing dinner offered by a family from the Exchange Department. Furthermore, Supermoon and the view from the parking lot in Cardoza high-school were the bonuses of the night.

The dinner was organized by Taylor who is the Manager of Advising Services for the Office for Study Abroad at GW!! I don't know what this is, but it sounds really cool! Also, I think he looks like Marshall in How I Met Your Mother, and there was a time he was talking about cheese shop in DC and I thought he was going to offer some gouda cheese :). I hadn't said this to Taylor, but I know he will read this post so it should be okay. Also, Pethworth where Taylor and his family is residing is a nice and cute neighborhood that one may probably want to bring up one's children. Even though we did't have chance to see their yard back to the home, the environment was I think child-friendly.

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I think Taylor chose to cook burgers after considering what American food he can offer us, and this is by far a great choice. As deserts, we had fruit with non-fat creams, even though I think it includes lots of sugar 😀 I hadn't had any meal before the dinner so that I could eat more and I did!


We start conversing with the current presidential debate, of-course. Trump and his silly arguments were good icebreakers and thanks to this very hospitable family, we didn't suffer the difficulties of being  strangers at all. After we all agreed that Trump is not a qualified leader, Taylor and his family start telling their experiences in DC and the places we have to see. I should admit that if you are lost in DC, you can just call and ask Taylor, and he will definitely help you find the place with the name of the streets exactly. He was such a Google Maps! The parking lot of Cardozo high-school that has a view up to the DC was the first stop after hearing the suggestions, and it was amazing.


I will share the suggestions in here in case not every exchange student have chance to talk to Taylor:

  • For those who want to chill in the nature: US National Arboretum
  • Ice Skating at Mall
  • Drum Circle at Meridian Hill Park
  • Gingerbread House
  • Christmas Decoration
  • Treasury hunt at Dupont Circle
  • Christmas zoo night
  • Anacostia river keeper tour
  • Naval Observatory => I have already made reservation for it!
  • There are open house days for embassies located in Embassy Row. You should check on their websites.
  • Georgetown Halloween party
  • High Heel Race before Halloween

Those are the ones we could keep the Taylor's speed! At the end, I think that I made good friends and everyone should consider herself/himself lucky if s/he can have dinner with Taylor and his family.