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By gjmacdougall

The Lerner Health and Wellness Center at GW is a place where a large number of students spend their time. Membership comes free with enrollment, so why would you not use it? Everyone else does.

A friend recently shared an article from The Guardian about orthorexia and this made me start thinking about image, health and wellness in the States. Yes, it's a stereotype, but I do get the feeling there's a greater emphasis on image in America. The food, I would say, could be deemed 'unhealthier' than in Europe, but the gym and fitness culture is also bigger, along with the portion sizes. And there seems to be an uneasy relationship between the two.

In terms of health, it feels sometimes like the 'wellness' has been a little lost.

Obsession with health and fitness is something that it is all too easy to get sucked into. Obviously exercise is medically a good thing, but you get the sense, and experience it also, that the motivation to work out comes from places of insecurity over image and the idea that 'everyone else does', rather than for the health benefits.

As mentioned before, in terms of food, everything is amplified: the portions, the decadence, the intensity of flavour - and also the guilt. There's this idea that if you eat something deemed 'unhealthy' you have to justify it by explaining how you'll go to the gym later so that it will all be ok. You skip that cupcake catch-up with a friend...or you do it anyway, and then beat yourself up about it. Everyone else does.

And of course the market also has its say.The cost difference between traditionally 'unhealthy' foods such as burgers and cookies and 'healthy' foods is quite staggering, and though in the UK the 'unhealthy' foods are also cheaper, I feel it is not quite to the same extent. If you have limited money, the choice has already been made for you.


The idea of image and presentation came up again during my week (though in a much more lighthearted way) with one of the scarier moments of my life: doing a Southern American accent in front of a drama class full of American students, for midterm rehearsals. One cliché that I was thankful is mostly a reality is the welcoming and encouraging nature of Americans, as they were very supportive about it and still wanted to talk to me afterwards, so they didn't seem too offended with my attempt...

This contrast between Britain and the States was also found in my participation with friends in a 'trivia night' at Tonic, a restaurant I walk past longingly every day on the way to class. 'Trivia night' is the equivalent to the British 'pub quiz' (and my friend who had studied abroad in the UK did say the lounge at Tonic had one of the most pub-like atmospheres she had found in DC) but I did not find the questions to be equal. Left to my own devices I would have been lucky to score a handful of points - if I go again I definitely need to brush up on baseball, presidents, and Dragon Ball Z - but my smarting competitive pride was more than soothed by the restaurant's basket of tater tots, a food stuff I had only ever heard described in films and on tv, let alone eaten.

Other unique State-side experiences were checked off this week, watching the CNN Democratic Debate whilst eating heavenly homemade brownies, pumpkin picking at Larriland Farm, Maryland (sampling the delicacies of funnel cake and apple 'cider' and driving past scenery that reminded me of New Jersey, bringing the memories rushing back), going to the Smithsonian National Zoo and also attending the Washington Prayer Gathering on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.The biggest was probably the White House Fall Garden Tour which was a very surreal experience, as a house and gardens which ultimately seem so ordinary, end up meaning so much, complete with the full force of US security.

Up close and personal
Up close and personal

However, it's not only the big things but also the little ones that continue to strike you as different and serve as a reminder that you're in the US. Groups of smartly dressed sororities and fraternities spilling onto the streets on their way to chapter meetings and initiations, the blank stares you're met with when you call a piece of clothing a 'jumper' instead of a 'sweater', police officers with guns - these all add up to create the experience of a different culture.

This week has been the one where I've most been missing home, the sudden drop in temperature reminding me of England and Edinburgh, combined with the flood of GW students' parents arriving for 'Parents Weekend'. However my friend's family who were down for the weekend very generously also took me out for sushi (like brunch, it's becoming a problem) at Kaz Sushi Bistro, ending the night with my first ever crêpe from GW-staple Crepeaway, and so making me feel part of a family even though far away from it.

The past few days have been unexpectedly laid back but this week things pick back up again with tech week and performances for the GW Shakespeare Company show 'The Merry Wives of Windsor', along with a few deadlines.

To another week of American experiences, cliché and otherwise,


By gjmacdougall

I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that this week has been one of the best of my life.

I have been completely blown away by the generosity of my flatmates and friends and I would never have guessed that they would make sure I celebrated my 21st in such style. It has also definitely been exciting to turn this age in a country where it's a much bigger milestone than in Britain.

The day started with a surprise flat birthday breakfast complete with pancakes, cake - my flatmate woke up at 6 to make it! - and another flatmate's legendary apple crumble along with, incredibly, gifts!

Picture 1 birthday breakfast
Breakfast at 601 (photo credit: Yoonjoo Kyung)

Having only one class made for a relaxed day, with a gathering of food and friends on the roof of E Street to enjoy the warm weather and views, before having to leave for a tech rehearsal for 'Welcome Back One Acts' produced by GW theatre society 14th Grade Players.

I have been constantly impressed by how the theatre groups here make you feel part of their family. For example, for tech week the actors were each given survival packs of tea, vitamins and 'candy' to make sure they stayed fighting fit until the end of the run. Rehearsing and performing has been a brilliant experience and I've met a lot of amazing and talented people.

Picture 2 tech week
How to Survive to the End of Tech Week

With tech week and finally the shows taking up most evenings and still having a number of reports and assignments to complete, I've had to adopt what seems to be the American college culture of cutting down on sleep and increasing on caffeine (though it did give me an excuse to use the Starbucks gift card given to me by a friend for my birthday). I've also had to break my year abroad promise to myself by pulling a couple of all-nighters to get everything completed, but have been fuelled by the selection of birthday cupcakes given to me which had made my cupboard resemble the dessert counter of Whole Foods!

On Friday I rewarded myself for handling the week's craziness by going for brunch (yes, again) with a good friend to Founding Farmers where I enjoyed great conversation along with one of the biggest and best burgers I've ever had. I'm loving having Fridays off from class and a three-day weekend every weekend, so am predicting a struggle when I have to adjust back to a more normal week next year or next semester. The burger theme continued at Burger Tap & Shake at Washington Circle, where it amused me to see iced tea on tap along with the 'soda'.

Next week I have fewer rehearsals as One Acts is ending but I do have some big essays in place of midterms to hand in, which should keep me occupied. However, motivation comes in the form of seeing my first (pre-season) NBA game at the end of the week as well as other good things to look forward to.

Till the next week of 21,


By gjmacdougall

One of the best events of our exchange orientation week was the chance to ask anonymous, off-the-record questions to our ExO leaders to find out more about what life is really like in DC and at GW. One of the questions asked was 'what annoys you most about GW?' and the answer was a general attitude of negativity in some people, with the idea of things not being worth the effort.

As an exchange student there can be a tendency to take on an attitude of negativity towards the culture you are in, flagging up the many issues that seem 'wrong' or 'different' to you and it not seeming worth the effort to think about these differences further. Yes, I sometimes feel that my critical keenness is dulled and I am scared that I have been so absorbed by a different culture that I have lost some of the ability to interrogate it, but achieving an objective distance that can help in future understanding of cultural relations is different to being predisposed to be negative. What one person may find irritating in the behaviour of another may be simply the result of a different culture, and only a few minutes' conversation is enough to see genuine human warmth behind it. This is not to say that you can't be frustrated about things and passively accept 'the system' - the situation Bahar describes is completely different and not what I mean, I was inspired by another experience I had - but it does mean thinking a bit beyond your initial reactions.

This week has not only highlighted a 'melting pot' of different cultures but also of different religions, with Pope Francis' first visit to DC as well as the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. The last time I lived in an area with a relatively large Jewish community was in New Jersey, and it is fascinating to see how classmates practise their faith, with different attitudes towards the fast and celebration of the holiday.

Differences in religious practice was something I also experienced when I went to the National Community Church at Loews Theater, Georgetown this Sunday - the first time I've ever been to a church in a cinema and it worked! That you could potentially order popcorn to listen to the sermon was a strange thought but it was exciting to try something new and I liked the service.

The coming together of different cultures in joint celebration was seen in one of the highlights of my week, getting together with fellow exchange blogger Bahar and friends to create a stereotypical 'American' brunch that we felt we had been missing and which we enjoyed on the rooftop of my accommodation, overlooking the city.

The Brunch Club (photo credit: Alicia Gonzalez-Barros)
The Brunch Club (photo credit: Alicia Gonzalez-Barros)

However, the DC brunch culture is strong as the next day I got a second taste of that cliché at the 21st birthday brunch for a friend from my poetry class who was also in Smackdown with me.

Caption: Poor lighting, top people
Caption: Poor lighting, top people

Fellowship over food continued as my cousin treated me to an early birthday dinner a short walk from campus at Nooshi on 19th and L - as the name suggests, a restaurant serving noodles and sushi.


And I also enjoyed deep midnight chats catching up with an exchange friend over a carton of oreo ice cream.

My weekend was rounded off watching a friend play in the GW water polo team and though sadly they lost this time to Princeton I definitely enjoyed seeing my first game and plan to go again!

This coming week looks to be the most hectic yet, but also the most amazing (I'm finally turning the big 2-1)

See you on the other side,


By baharmahzari

The first month of my semester is officially over. Four weeks of endless readings, weekly Museum visits, many nights on U-Street and amounts of various ethnic foods have come to an end. When I think about it, all of it seems to have happened in racing time, which did not allow me once to sit down and reflect upon all the moments. Hence, I took the opportunity of my 1-month anniversary to replicate all the unforgettable moments, unfamiliar situations and also absurd confrontations while enjoying self-made blueberry pancakes, loads of bacon and fruits on E Street’s rooftop.


And while I was eating, – and being extremely surprised by the perfection of my pancakes’ circular shape – a strange wave of emotions hit me. Happiness, surprise, satisfaction, anger and melancholy are few worthy to be mentioned. In that moment, I just realized all the words and actions stemming from the personal interactions I had. In that specific moment, I fully became aware of the diversity of thought within US society including all its ambiguities.

Every time people ask me about the most significant thing that I learned during my high school year in the States, I tell them about the flawed European view on American society, which is perceived as uncritical, extremely patriotic and increasingly arrogant. The US I encountered during the time of 2010-2011 was not only open and welcoming, but it also surprised me with incredibly keen-witted and intelligent people. This view, which I had acquired during my exchange year was, however, constantly challenged by extremely conservative parts of American society tending to be the loudest in the political debate. My fellow Europeans, who never had the chance to spent more than a vacation in the US, only had heard the voices of unprogressive parts of American’s society and political elite. Hence, they never fully understood what I was talking about.

They will never understand, because they cannot see the dilemma of American society & the struggle of progressive sections to change the status quo discourse. What I learned during this last month and my second long-term stay in the States is that these progressive voices are already halted when challenging the mainstream discourse with their criticism. They are simply rejected on a basis of ‘wrong’ and ‘right’. They are perceived by a ‘black and white’ paradigm. And, lastly, they are marginalized without further discussion. I am not talking about the current presidential debate – this text does not aim at conveying my personal opinion about how the political Left and Right is treated in this country. This text is about my encounters at GW – the perfect example of this clash between two major movements within society.

When someone calls me a ‘socialist’, I usually do not get offended. People get emotional in informal settings and due to my socio-political work, this happens now and then. But it is very rare. I do not want to transform this into a history lesson about how socialist ideology has been treated by society and the polity in Europe, Latin America or Asia versus its status in the US. I think the whole Cold War, ‘Red Scare’ and McCarthyism paradigm does definitely offer one of the many explanations for less attraction within American society to feel drawn towards Leftist ideas, but it should not serve as the basis for defining a set framework of America’s political landscape as well as its subversive movements. America does have incredibly bright, deep-read and highly motivated progressive sections within its society that do not fear to criticize the status quo. However, the issue for their slow progress seems to be that they are not invited for a dialogue by the forces shaping the mainstream discourse. And the reason for a lack of debate is the apparent idea that there is a ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in politics. But politics is much more than that: It is a constant debate, where various groups and individuals disagree with each other and try to find a compromise. Politics is about good arguments, its about values and lastly it is inherently idealistic. So when I am called a socialist while having a political debate, I am not bothered since it only fortifies my belief in social democracy. When I am called a ‘socialist leftie’ in a country, where this term is despised by several in society, I do not feel personally attacked with regards to my political beliefs, but it  negates progressive societal movements within this country, who want to reform the current political discourse.

I am satisfied with most of my classes, one of them being probably the best class I have taken in my academic career so far. Our professor does not only challenge us with critical theory, but she encourages us to search for dialogue not only with her, but also among the students while discussing political, economic and social events and structures. Her and 95% of my class represent the progressive critical part of society in this country, which is determined to change the status quo for the better. In complete contrast to this stands one of my other classes. The status quo defines our discussions, criticism is taken personally by all involved and a dialogue is not sought. The current political discourse is protected against ‘socialist lefties’ and any other voice that disagrees. A descriptive mode of engaging with the issues dominates the events discussed. Analytical thinking is not requested.

When someone calls me a ‘socialist leftie’, I usually do not get offended. Even if it happens in an academic context. I am not trapped in any ideological mindset and far away from being a radical or revolutionary. I have learned to rather believe in reforms. But I do get offended when I see that the purpose of academia is being undermined. Academia should open up new horizons, it should attempt to represent as much diversity as possible, it should be critical and it should push students to think analytically. It should push students to think for themselves. It should encourage students to criticize without being criticized.

When I was called a ‘socialist leftie’ this past week, I did not get offended as usual. Although, it was used as an attack on a personal basis. Although, it undermined the purpose of academia. Although, ‘socialism’ was used as a dirty word. I was not offended, because I see the big and growing sections of US society, which are pursuing progress. They are critical, they are brave and they believe in the making of politics while upholding their moral values. I saw these people not only during my exchange year 6 years ago, but I see them now, too. Right at GW sitting in the classrooms. And I hope that, as the mainstream political discourse within the United States will slowly change, that also the cultural discourse about alleged American political dullness will finally be abandoned by my fellow Europeans and others around the world.


By gjmacdougall

If you'd told me before I left for America that within the first week of classes starting I'd be sitting in the corridor of a university building at 12.30am, eating M&Ms whilst waiting for my acapella group audition, I don't think I'd have believed you. Yet that's how things turned out as I wanted to live the 'Pitch Perfect' fantasy - though without quite the voice of Anna Kendrick my own story did not exactly follow that of the film's.

Auditioning for acapella groups was one of of the many stereotypically 'American' activities I wanted to check off my list, and trying to embrace every opportunity has kept me busy. However, the past two weeks have been dominated by the beginning of classes and adjusting to the US college system.

At the pre-departure talk in Edinburgh we had been warned that studying in America might feel slightly like 'going back to school' and my own less-than-fond memories of middle school in the States meant I was vaguely worried about this but also better prepared for it. However, myself and other exchange students were still surprised at the relative lack of independence and increase in assignments in comparison to our home universities - it's a long time since I've had homework!

Classes are also very professor-oriented in America in a way I have not experienced at Edinburgh (though as I have not taken honours classes there yet, I'm not entirely sure how much this might change as you progress through your degree). It seems slightly unfair to me that here your grade for a class is so dependent on your teacher's opinion of you, how harsh or lenient a marker they are, and how they have designed the syllabus, with seemingly no anonymously marked papers, moderation system or degree-wide overall exam. The use of continuous assessment - constant regular assignments, quizzes and small exams that add up to form your grade, as opposed to the more spaced out essays and end of term exams at universities in the UK - does have an advantage in that students are not penalised quite so much for having an off day during the exam period and are measured more on their overall ability. However, as I experienced at thirteen, not having grown up with this system means the long list of reports and papers can be daunting. The mistake I made seven years ago was to allow these to swallow up all my free time and prevent me from doing anything outside of class, and as I want to get involved in as much as possible at the uni and in DC, it means that I have had to get better at managing my time - though as only my credits and not my grades transfer the pressure to do well academically is off.

As a reward to myself for surviving my three-day week, I went with a friend to Buzzfeed-staple Baked & Wired in Georgetown for expensive but delicious cupcakes.

Sugar highs at Baked & Wired - pistachio and red velvet (photo credit: Kelli Jones)
Sugar highs at Baked & Wired - pistachio and red velvet (photo credit: Kelli Jones)

An antidote to class was also found sitting on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial watching dusk (or as a Scottish poet might call it, 'the gloaming') settle over the Tidal Basin.

Remembering - and thinking (photo credit: Marcos Falcone)
Remembering - and thinking (photo credit: Marcos Falcone)


The text in the picture above at the memorial is an amalgamation of quotes from Thomas Jefferson and though when read is deeply impressive and inspiring, is also a reminder of the selectivity involved in remembering the past. The line 'nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [slaves] are to be free' is originally followed by the words 'nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them' - this racism obviously not included on the memorial. Those who cannot remember the past may be condemned to repeat it but it is also important to note what is remembered, and by whom.

My weekend concluded by once again experiencing DC brunch culture with a flatmate outing to The Liberty Tavern in Arlington for an all-you-can-eat buffet, which I sluggishly tried to walk off around the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, the first I have seen of the many galleries and museums in the city.

Things are currently the right mix between familiar and fresh and exciting, so I'm looking forward to what next week will bring,

Till then,


By gjmacdougall

So this week has seen the start of classes and I'm already starting to feel like there aren't quite enough hours in the day. There are so many things to see and do, particularly at the beginning of the year as societies get started up again after summer, and there are also all the errands to run that come with setting up a new flat and getting settled into a new semester in a foreign country.

These errands often involve running around the city and as a result I thought I'd talk about the different methods of transport I've used to get around DC this week. However, there are many other transport options such as the bus system and GW's 4ride service (provided mainly for student safety) that I have yet to try. I'm also looking forward in the future to using the train and bus networks to get out of the city and travel up and down the east coast.

Metro Since neither Edinburgh nor Norwich have a metro system (Edinburgh has the trams, but that's a sore point) I'm enjoying living in a city that has one. Yes, on the inside it resembles the set of a 1960s dystopian movie, the trains take longer and come with much less frequency than London, and it is quite expensive, but it is simple to follow and has been very useful in getting to places - such as Columbia Heights, one of the main shopping areas in DC. I definitely feel like a local when using my SmarTrip card to swipe through the gates. Again, our orientation was great in introducing us to the metro as a way to get around.

The Vern Express This is a free shuttle bus service provided by GW to ferry its students between the two main campuses of Foggy Bottom and Mount Vernon, around 10 to 15 minutes' drive apart. Although at first it seems like a hassle to use, with multiple stops and buses departing every 5 minutes during peak hours, it is a quick and easy way to attend classes and access the facilities across both areas.

Uber I had never used Uber before as it's not that popular in Edinburgh or Norwich, so I was surprised to see how much people love it over here. There are arguments on either side as to whether this popularity is a good thing, but it appears to be very convenient and also inexpensive, costing only as much as the metro if a group splits the fare.

Target Party Bus One of the more unusual modes of transport I used this week was part of the GW-organised Target Takeover - an event where GW students were allowed in the store after-hours from 10.30 to 12.30am to buy whatever they needed, with the incentives of price reductions, prize giveaways, and free samples. Intrigued and in need of a hoover, myself and my flatmate, along with a group of other exchange students, boarded one of the especially laid on buses playing dance music and headed to the store. The night was a very strange experience - like a mini black Friday, although a lot less intense - and we left slightly dazed though with quite a few shopping bags.

Walking My favourite way to navigate DC, however, is by simply walking. In Edinburgh I never really took public transport as everything I needed I could get to by foot, and it does slightly frustrate me here that not all the shops and facilities are within as easy reach. However, I like that DC is ultimately a 'walkable' city. This week I have enjoyed an evening stroll from the White House to the Capitol and taken my American poetry to study at the back of the Lincoln Memorial, overlooking the Potomac (another great tip from one of our ExO leaders). The buildings on GW's Foggy Bottom campus are all within very easy walking distance, which means it took me only 5 minutes to get to the Smith Center to see a GW win against Princeton for the women's volleyball team (with Dunkin' Donuts providing courtside refreshment).

School spirit and coffee!
School spirit...and coffee.


This coming week looks similarly busy and exciting, so I'm thankful for this long Labor Day weekend to get caught up on things and to relax with the great weather!

Till next week,


By gjmacdougall

This past week marks my introduction to Washington, D.C. through GW's Exchange Orientation. The hot, flat grid of DC streets are little like the drizzly, winding roads of Edinburgh and I feel slightly like I'm on holiday. The obvious differences that hit me 7 years ago are still there - everything tastes so much sweeter, the cars and roads are bigger, my accent attracts interest and excitement - but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying being immersed in American culture again, particularly due to the packed programme of events organised for the exchange students.

One thing that immediately strikes you in DC is the food. I thought Edinburgh took this seriously - 'why are are there so many places to eat?' my friend once asked me while visiting - but DC takes dining to a whole other level. This week I have tried not only the stereotypical 'American' foods of burgers and fries such as at Bobby's Burger Palace and at the Shake Shack stand at the Nationals Park baseball stadium, but Ethiopian food at Das Ethiopian in Georgetown and Indian from the vast range of food trucks at Farragut Square. My English notions of what constitutes are barbeque (a few hamburgers, slightly soggy from the rain) were also turned on their head by the welcome laid on for us by the Office for Study Abroad, where we enjoyed pulled pork and collard greens from a caterer who has served the White House.

Exchange Orientation went by in a whirlwind and was a flood of information but also a lot of fun. The week has been an amazing mix and interaction of different cultures, from being able to introduce French friends to the masala dosa, a dish from the south of India where my mother is from, to discussing the British Labour party leadership election with an Argentinian friend who was as knowledgeable, if not more so, than me. Thanks to the exchange coordinators and ExO student leaders for in a week introducing a 70-strong group of students to the city and university, as well as giving us the support system of each other for the months ahead.

Ellen's got nothing on us
Ellen's got nothing on us

The week has also given me a lot to think about as I have been able to see 'America' up close and in more detail, and have seen some more unsettling images that are absent from its Hollywood depiction. Being part of the crowds streaming out of a highly commercial major league baseball game where bottled water costs almost $5 and then passing disabled beggars on the way to the metro station impressed on me the inequality present in the country, and race issues were also highlighted when my French friend pointed out that the stadium played reggae and Latin American music only when introducing players of colour. These problems are by no means unique to the US but they are there I hope that my exchange will make me more aware of them, as well as of any solutions.

On Monday classes start and I am looking forward to seeing how my American college experience will be different from my memories of middle school. I'm also excited about the student organisations fair and trying out some of the 400+ societies GW has to offer!

Until next time,


By gjmacdougall

Hi everyone! My name is Grace MacDougall and I’m from the small (but beautiful) city of Norwich in England, though for the last two years I’ve been studying English and Scottish Literature at the University of Edinburgh. I’m very excited and grateful to be spending the third year of my degree studying at GW and living in Washington, D.C.

As I prepare for my departure, I’m feeling the usual mixture of excitement slightly tempered by nerves, but also something a little different. Any expectations for my start at GW are altered by the fact that I’ve actually previously spent some time in the US – when I was thirteen I lived in New Jersey for a year, but it wasn’t a very positive experience. At an age where you’re beginning to mature and haven’t yet developed a sense of self, I struggled with the displacement and the cliquey atmosphere of my middle school, and left America with a vow never to return. However, in the seven years that have passed, this has been replaced with a great desire to do exactly the opposite: to live my ‘comeback’ sequel and do things ‘right’ this time. I’m aware that memories can fade and alter but I want to see if impressions match up and how much things have changed – how I’ve changed – between my two American experiences. I’d like to think that my time in New Jersey will help give me a degree of familiarity and realism that will reduce the culture shock I’ll no doubt experience, as well as pushing me to fully embrace every opportunity given to me this second time around.

And there are so many opportunities and possibilities. From participating in some of the societies from the vast lists I’ve scrolled through, to taking classes which feature the authors my American friends have raved about, yet who don’t feature on British reading lists, I have high expectations for all the new experiences that await me. The thing I’ve loved most at university is having my eyes opened to completely new viewpoints through listening and talking to others of different nationalities and backgrounds, and I can only see this occurring to the fullest extent at GW.

However, it is not only the university but also the location for which I am excited. Studying in D.C. in the run-up to an election will be an incredible experience – observing and participating in the Scottish independence referendum taught me so much about Scotland as a nation that I’d never have learnt from a history book and I can’t wait to experience the same with American politics, on a politically engaged campus.

Anyway, that’s a brief introduction to me and my thoughts regarding my year abroad at GW! I look forward to seeing how they change with the time I spend and the things I try there, and I hope you’ll enjoy and maybe learn something from them too.



By baharmahzari

3932 miles - That's the distance from Maastricht, which is located in the Western part of the Netherlands, to Washington D.C..

A more pictorial illustration of the distance between these two places in the Atlantic Ocean separating Europe from the Americas.

But this distance is not only a geographical feature, but also a portrayal of the differences. There is a reason why the United States of America are referred to as the 'New World' while Europe represents the 'Old World'. There are shared experiences and many similarities, but the overall perception of the world differs. It is a 'New' view challenging an 'Old' perspective. Maastricht and D.C. are two cities, which perfectly embody this dynamic. But before coming back to this unique dynamic between the ‘Old’ and the ‘New’ , I should probably introduce myself:


I am Bahar.

21-years old.

Born in Germany. Being blessed of growing up in the beautiful city of Cologne.

Rooted in Persian culture with both of my parents being from Iran.

Living and studying in the Netherlands currently – Focusing on International Relations and International Law.

Personal Maxim: The easiest way of falling in love with a country and its people is through the national cuisine – ergo: Food means Peace.


A historical city as Maastricht, which was already well-know due to its strategic location by the Romans as "Mosae Trajectum", is a perfect representation of Europe as the 'Old World'. Strolling through the narrow alleys and passing the historical monuments still preserved from the Roman Empire generates the atmosphere as if time has stood still. As a student of Maastricht University such atmosphere can also be found in the old university buildings with some of them dating back to the 15th century. One of these is the Niuewenhof monastery, which serves as a place of education and learning to all University College Maastricht (UCM) students – myself included.

The Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum paired with the European 'Old View' has a tendency to look back. Learning from past experiences, ancient philosophy and historical events is core to the educational agenda of UCM. Kant, Nietzsche, Aristotle and Plato are always present in the tutorial rooms and lecture halls - only figuratively speaking of course. And sometimes this 'Old View' concerning education is carried through at the expense of reconnecting with practical reality. At that moment, innovation and fresh ideas are what one seeks after or simply said a 'New View'. This basically sums up my expectations for my upcoming semester at GW: innovative ideas, new perspectives and inspiring insights. I have been looking for a paradigm, which does not directly stem from the European experience, for quite some time now. My semester abroad at GW could be the chance to dip into a new paradigm and see the world events from a different perspective. US politics, culture and lifestyle do differ from the European one. Although, Europeans initially founded the United States the way of how they saw the world and how they wanted to live differed. The value of liberty is a cornerstone of the US’ moral basis. Liberty in the American sense is interpreted in a very different way than in Europe. After having lived in the US (Concord, New Hampshire) for almost a year during my time as a high school student, I perceive the current American idea of liberty to be more absolute, more emphasized and very emotional.

Such difference is not only mirrored in major societal and political structures, but also in the education system and in what is learned. I want to experience that. Learning about the world from another perspective will not only broaden my horizon, but it will also allow me to understand others and defend my own point of view in a much more sophisticated way.

My expectations seem to be very abstract, but put into simpler terms it is all about experiencing something 'New'. It is true that I have already experienced daily life in the US. However, my 16-year old me has very little to do with 21-year old Bahar. The high school experience cannot be compared to academic life at GW. And most importantly, I have clear goals and somewhat of a plan in my mind this time. 6 years ago I visited the US as a curious and naive world traveler and fell in love with the country and the people. I became a different person throughout my 1-year stay in little Concord, New Hampshire. Now I am going back to the States with a clear vision in mind of what to expect. I would still call myself a world traveler, but I’m not naive anymore and I have plans. This blog will provide me with a platform to remind me of these plans and allow me to share them.

Me, 21-year old Bahar, is in urgent need of inspiration and the best way to find it is by changing locations and diving into new cultures. GW is the first step towards fresh inspirational inputs. DC is the perfect place for me to elaborate on innovative ideas. The US will provide me with the ‘New’ that I so desperately need at the moment.

By carlyfisher4

Spring really is a magical time to be in DC! The whole city seemingly glows in the sun and the green grass is finally uncovered from beneath the blanket of snow that seemed to hide it since I arrived in January. Even the fact that the fountains at the WWII memorial are on now totally changes the appearance of the national mall. All of these factors and more contribute to what really is a stunning picture-perfect city right at your doorstep whilst here at GW. And whilst all these things make the city that much more special, really it is not why spring-time in DC is famous nationwide.

For those who do not yet know (and if you come in the spring semester you will quickly find out as the National Mall goes from being a bit of a ghost town in the winter to an area buzzing with activity and tourists in the Spring), this season seemingly calls on a mass migration to the nation’s capital. The main star of the attraction are the cherry blossoms that dominate the area with beautiful pink leaves everywhere. Seeing these cherry blossoms is a treat as they are only perfectly in bloom for about a week a year, so you really have to make sure not to miss them!

The Cherry Blossom trees were a gift from the Japanese to DC in 1912 and it was Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo who proudly gifted them. Since then, late March/early April has become known as the time of the National Cherry Blossom Festival which I believe has gradually grown into the event that it is today.

Having been away for a week I was worried about the prospect of maybe missing the Cherry Blossoms and having seen them before on a trip to Japan, I knew that missing them and their beauty would be a big loss. Apparently, the cherry blossoms heard my concerns and waited for me to return before blooming into full glory. Thank you cherry blossoms!

So after a red eye flight and no sleep all night, I got in from the airport, dumped by bags and met up with my friends to head straight on down to Constitution Avenue to get a good spot along the Cherry Blossom Parade route – a large parade that goes nearly all the way down Constitution Ave to mark the closing of the festival. Because of the really cold winter we had, the closing ceremony seemed somewhat premature because it was only then that the blossoms bloomed but never mind, the thought was there. We got a spot right opposite the Washington Monument and had the White House directly behind us – couldn’t have been in a more picture-perfect/’guess what we are in DC’ position if we tried! We were very lucky because the sun was out to play that day and the weather was amazing and warm – ahhh, I like this DC!

The parade itself was 2 hours long and was pretty interesting – there were a number of marching bands, a series of different middle and high school groups and activity clubs that showed off their skills including unicycling, girl scouts, etc, some artists including Estelle who performed, various military marching troops, etc. It was a nice parade and we all enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed watching the crowd cheer and praise their military whenever the parade showcased different men and women in service, which is systematically did throughout – it is fantastic that there is such pride in and support of people who dedicate so much.




After the parade we decided to take a walk down to the Tidal Basin to have a look at the cherry blossoms and snap that cliché yet gorgeous photo of the Cherry Blossoms in front of the Jefferson. It was absolutely stunning down there although it was much to crowded as every tourist and their dog seemed to have moved from the parade trail down to the Tidal Basin with us – we did expect this to happen, but nonetheless. We decided to leave the area after that return during the week when hopefully the crowds had died down a bit.



And that we did – I went back on Monday morning with two of my friends who are also exchange students to go for a nice stroll along the mall and back to the Tidal Basin. The crowds were definitely less which was fantastic and we took total opportunity to snap a few more photos with the blossoms.




The Cherry Blossom excitement is infectious here though and so despite surely having had my time with the trees, when the sun came back out on Wednesday 6 of the exchange students and I made our way down to the Tidal Basin again but this time to go paddle boating. It was a lot of fun! We got two four seater paddle boats between us, put some music on full blast on our phones and tried to keep the two boats as close together as possible whilst paddling around the basin checking out all of the monuments. What a gorgeous view! For anyone coming here in the Spring, I would definitely recommend this as an activity that should be done! And good luck switching drivers – we were so impressed with ourselves when we didn’t fall in!



life jacket

All in all, to future Spring students, get excited! DC is absolutely stunning – it was in the winter too but now it is as if there is boundless energy and life seeping from the monuments and amazing nature around. I’m sure I say this every week but wow – what a city! Cant believe our time here is slowly approaching its conclusion – leaving is going to be very very difficult! But anyway, there are a couple weeks still before that becomes of concern.


And so, until next time…