Before anything, I would like to thank everyone that participated in the organization of the exchange orientation week it was truly very helpful. This week helped me understand that my semester in America is going to be, as Americans always say, awesome.
We started the week by meeting all the spring 2019 exchange students and the diversity of this group was great, there was such a mix of cultures in this room which lead to a very interesting week.
During this week I visited the National Mall during the night and day which was just beautiful. Went around the white house, which was much smaller than I imagined. Visited the Capitol Hill where I watched the congress in session which was really amazing. Apparently Joe Kennedy was there which I thought it was pretty cool to be in the same room as him! We did a campus tour and I have to say that I already love GWU. I mean the campus has a ton of facilities that simply made me want to be a student here forever. And, we had American barbecue and did tons of other things (thank you again to the ExO team for the organization)

I have to say one of the things that shocked me the most during this week is that there’s bacon everywhere. During this week I had a BLT which was basically a B (compared to the bacon, there was basically no L or T), I had bacon in basically all of my meals that week, and I had bacon in a milkshake and on a donut. On top of that, not to make generalizations or anything, but I feel like at least half of Washington is or at one time in their life, tired to be vegetarian or vegan, which I admire because to me Washington is surrounded by bacon.
On the last day of orientation, the exchange team brought us to a NBA game, which was basically the reason I came to the US. It was a great experience and thankfully the wizards were playing well for once and therefore there was a great atmosphere and I was glad to witness it live and not behind a screen.