By emreceyhun
Before I came here, the classes' topics seemed really interesting and crucial for me to take. However, It was the first week of classes and I can clearly state that yes, they are really interested but also require hardworking. The courses at GW just showed me that even though I am at the heart of the States, DC is not the place to get relaxed and have fun. I have to work really hard and do my homework to be successful at classes.
In that first week rush, Labor Day was a rescuer taking me away from the courses' requirements which I have not been able to focus yet.
Labor Day, as oppose to European countries, is celebrated in US on 5th of September, which makes this holiday kind of national even though this is an international norm. So, I thought that since this is national in a way, I have to do something national. I have to created my national holiday in an international place, and the Embassy Row located in Dupont Circle is, I think, the best place to feel Labor Day in a way that US citizens feel. Embassy Row is a place where most of the embassies are located, and finding my national embassy made me think that it is something similar to Labor Day.
In that Row, Turkish Embassy was not located but I found Defense Attaché of Turkish Embassy, which was located between two European countries hanged European Union flag along with their national flag, which made me sad because I really think that Turkey should get into the Union but I am well aware of the fact that we have lots of things to achieve.
Also, you can find sculptures that represent cultures in front of the embassies and get informed about their culture briefly, which really amazing, I think.
I was thinking of being done with Turkish elements in that Row until I saw something that really makes me surprised. Our founding father's, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, sculpture holding Nutuk, which is the book he explains the Independence War by giving the documents that he had collected between 1919-1923, located 0.3 miles away from the Attaché building. Apparently, the building behind of the sculpture was bought by Turkey and used for several years as embassy. However, it is now used for Ambassador's residence.
All in all, I would recommend every exchange student to find his/her home country and explore Dupont Circle because apparently you can find something really interesting.