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Pre-Award Support

The proposal submission process is managed within the Public Health and Law Research Support Team (PH&L RST). The RST aims to provide dynamic service to any investigators seeking funding. Outlined below is the standard operating procedure, a printable quick guide can be requested from

Step 1

All principal investigators requesting proposal support from the RST must complete a short Intent to Submit form. A sponsored research administrator (SRA) from the RST will be assigned to your proposal. The RST requests at least 10 business days to process a proposal on top of the 5 business days required by OSP. The earlier an Intent is filed, the higher the quality of service.

Step 2

The assigned SRA will reach out within three business days (or earlier for quick turnaround submissions) to perform a kickoff meeting and intake, gathering additional information about the proposal required by the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP). The SRA will also lay out a timeline of events and start work on documents such as budget and justification.

Step 3

After proposal documents have been compiled, the SRA will upload the files into myResearch in advance of routing for approvals. OSP requires the final proposal package five business days before the submission deadline. Only technical documents may be routed as drafts and may be swapped out for finals up to two business days before submission.

Step 4

The OSP sponsored projects administrator (SPA) will review the proposal and provide feedback and suggestions for edits.

Step 5

Upon completing any updates requested by OSP, the proposal will receive final approval from the authorized organizational representative (AOR) and is ready to submit to the sponsor.

Roles & Responsibilities

For a detailed breakout of pre-award tasks, the Office of Sponsored Project (OSP) released a Roles & Responsibilities (RR) Matrix. This document designates individuals to specific tasks within each workflow and outlines the scope of the Research Support Team's authority. A PH&L RST specific version of the document is available from