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The Up to Us Campus Competiton aims to empower students to create meaningful impact in their community through this leadership experience. Applications are due Friday, February 5, 2021. ...continue reading "Application Deadline: Up to Us Campus Competition – Feb 5"


By Tyler Cholankeril, for the Fall 2020 Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship.    

My presentation was about the mission of the Latino Student Fund and what my role was as a mentor for this organization. Symposium Theme: Building authentic relationships in this unique time.

Presentation Link

This project was part of Abbie Weiner’s course, COMM 1041: Interpersonal Communication. Students in this course learn the theories and principles of interpersonal communication while engaging in service-learning with local after-school programs, job training programs, and other service organizations.

Please be sure to cast your vote for the Symposium for Community Engaged Scholarship Audience Choice Award, LINK.  You are welcome to post comments and questions below.  


By Gali Laska, Talia Feldman-Schwartz, Abby Care, Andres Perez, and Amelia Zehnder for the Fall 2020 Symposium on Community Engaged Scholarship (HSSJ 1177)

This group worked alongside Under 3 DC to help strengthen their work as a whole. Under 3 DC is an organization that works to harness the voices of parents with young children to provide an equitable early childhood system.

Presentation Link

This project was part of Dr. Gretchen Van der Veer’s HSSJ 1177: Organizing Social Justice and Human Services. Students in this course learn theories of  community organizing and social justice while engaging in service-learning with DC-based advocacy and action organizations.

Please be sure to cast your vote for the Symposium for Community Engaged Scholarship Audience Choice Award.  You are welcome to post comments and questions below.  

The upcoming 17th annual Global Health & Innovation Conference at Yale on April 4-5, 2020. This is the world’s largest and leading global health conference as well as the largest social entrepreneurship conference. The conference will take place at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Register during August for a highly reduced registration rate (50% lower than the regular rate).

Confirmed speakers to date: Learn from more than 200 speakers who are committed to effective, responsible programs in health, development, entrepreneurship, and education. See the confirmed 2020 conference speakers to date.

Call for Abstracts: Abstracts are currently being accepted for research presentations, program presentations, and for the social impact pitch presentations, including submissions for the $10,000 and $5,000 GHIC Innovation Prize. The first abstract deadline is August 31. For those submitting a research or program abstract, October 15th is the final deadline. 

Register for the Global Health & Innovation Conference
by August 31 for 50% off the registration rate 

 Here is the Conference Schedule. 

Here is the Application to present. 

Here is more information about the Innovation Prize. 

This week we discussed plans for our courses and for supporting students in the weeks following November 3rd. Including the following:

Preparing for class on November 4th

Many of us experienced class after the 2016 elections and felt that expecting to cover course content on Nov 4th is unwise. Several of us wished we had instead prepared an activity to facilitate reflection and help students think about self-care. The Nashman Center’s Will Brummett developed this document to help facilitate just this kind of activity. All are welcome to use and adapt it to their own context.  Personal Post-Election Preparedness Reflection Exercise document

...continue reading "Oct 23 Nashman Faculty Check-in: Post-Election Preparations"

Many thanks to Nashman Center Assistant Director, Jovanni Mahonez for sharing this guide by Nate Persily of Stanford Law School.

The following post was written by Will Brummett, Program Manager of Co-Curricular Service in the Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service.

...continue reading "Post-Election Preparedness, by Will Brummett"

January 20-23, "Join thousands of other committed and forward-thinking campus leaders at all levels and from institutions of all types for the 2021 American Association of Colleges & University’s (AAC&U) Annual Meeting to explore the most pressing questions now facing higher education, to share effective educational practices and explore new financial models, and to work out together what undergraduate education will look like in a post-pandemic future." Click here to learn more.

...continue reading "2021 AAC&U Virtual Annual Meeting: Revolutionizing Higher Education after COVID-19"

Join the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design October 14, from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EDT to learn from Visiting Professor of Community Engagement Paul Rucker, a visual artist, composer and musician who often combines media as he integrates live performance, sound, original compositions and visual art.

...continue reading "Join visiting Professor of Community Engagement, Paul Rucker"

These resources were shared at today's Weekly Check-in for Instructors of Community Engaged Scholarship Courses (Fridays, noon-1pm,

Tricia Arnold, from GW's Instructional Design Core, was a featured guest for today's meeting, where she shared a Blackboard Course Template, which we are all welcome to use in future courses. The template pre-populates a Blackboard course with resources for students. Up for future conversation: if there is interest, Tricia would help us to add modules to this template unique to Community Engaged Scholarship courses.

The recorded presentation and the zip-file with the Blackboard template itself are available in the Nashman Center's Teaching Resources Box Folder.

See you next time!


Dr. Jameta Nicole Barlow, Community Health Psychologist, Assistant Professor of Writing, and Affiliate Faculty Member of the Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program and of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health, was recently quoted in the NY Times and Mashable. To learn more about Dr. Barlow's recent and ongoing work, please click here. ...continue reading "Dr. Jameta Nicole Barlow in the NY Times and Mashable"

ClearySD.jpgCongratulations to Dr. Sean Cleary, selected as the 2020 Nashman Center Community Engaged Faculty of the Year.

Dr. Cleary has over ten years of experience in community engaged scholarship, including teaching and research. For example, through the Adelante Center, he and other GW faculty and students worked with recently arrived immigrants from Central America. This included youth development programs as well as programs that helped parents find resources and develop a supportive network among themselves.

Cleary's more recent work has involved partnership with a community of young autistics and their families and caregivers.


...continue reading "Nashman Community Engaged Faculty of the Year: Dr. Sean Cleary"

In case you missed it, the Chronicle of Higher Education recently published this article, 15 Ways Colleges Are Mobilizing to Support Their Communities.

"As the pandemic has closed campuses, forcing higher education to reinvent itself, many colleges are also meeting this unprecedented moment with a renewed sense of purpose about their role in the community...."

Our regional Campus Compact association, Campus Compact Mid-Atlantic is hosting a series of facilitated virtual discussions for faculty and staff. These are great opportunities to share what you are doing and learn from others in our area (DC, Maryland, Delaware).

Thursday, May 14th, 11am: How are you supporting your nonprofit partners in capacity building?

To register and view other upcoming CCMA events: