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On behalf of the Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement (ODECE), I would like to personally invite you to register and submit a proposal for the 9th Annual Diversity Summit. This year's Diversity Summit theme is Defining Revolutionary: A Call for Justice, Liberation & Empathy, and feels quite timely for our university. The Diversity Summit will take place in person on the Foggy Bottom campus from February 20 - 22, 2024.

...continue reading "Call for Proposals: 9th Annual Diversity Summit"

The Teaching Social Action Institute is designed to give faculty and staff the knowledge and tools to incorporate student-led social action campaigns by modifying a current course or co-curricular activity or developing a new one. Social action is a transformative experiential learning model where students in a college course launch their own campaign or join a community organization's campaign. This fall, there are 12 courses using social action in the USA, and more than 25 courses have been taught in the past year.

...continue reading "Teaching Social Action Institute: Multiple Virtual Dates Available"

CUMU Impact Fellow

George Washington University is an institutional member for the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities.


The awardee will receive a $5,000 award to research and produce a report related to impact, data, and metrics; lead a CUMU Huddle on impact; and serve on the 2024 ALN Action Summit Committee.



New from Metropolitan Universities Journal

Vol. 34 No. 5 (2023): Developing and Sustaining Institutional Support for Community-Engaged Research

Guest editors: Emily Zimmerman, Ph.D., and Sarah Raskin, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

Community-engaged research is a critical component of the community engagement landscape, as well as broadening the research enterprise at urban campuses to include communities. Creating the essential infrastructure to support this work requires new ways of thinking about the role of institutions and interdisciplinary programs in community engagement, research development, and research support. Applying the models and frameworks in this issue can provide approaches for campuses to strengthen and commit to community-engaged research in strategic ways.

...continue reading "Good Read: Institutional Support for Community Engaged Research"

Whether your campus has a clearly articulated anchor mission or is new to this work, we invite individuals from CUMU member campuses to apply for the 2024 Anchor Learning Network—a learning community designed to build individual capacity for anchor work and to connect your campus to this powerful network.


Community-Campus Partnerships for Health is a co-sponsor of the  8th Annual John W. Hatch Faith Health Lecture

Transforming the Narrative: Amplifying Voices, Addressing Disparities, Promoting Justice

  • Date: November 28th, 2023
  • Time: 9 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Location: In-person & virtual
  • Fee: No fee, but registration is required by Nov 20th. Lunch will be provided.

Learn More & RSVP

...continue reading "Event: CCPH Hosting Faith Health Lecture Series, Nov 28th"

Join the OIE team for a special faculty-only info session on the 2024 New Venture Competition. They will review application dates, judging criteria, and the programming calendar for Jan-April. The info session will be held Thursday Nov. 16th from 12-1pm. Save the Zoom meeting link.  

From the NCoC:

For the first time in the history of the Annual Conference, NCoC is joining forces with the historic National Civic League for this year’s event, The Future of Citizenship, on November 30th in Washington. D.C. Register now. 

...continue reading "Register Now: NCoC Annual Conference on “The Future of Citizenship”"

Moving Beyond the Policy: Practical Considerations for Reforming Promotion and Tenure featuring Emily Janke, UNCG. Recording available here.

This webinar was hosted November 2023 as part of the Webinar Series on Reforming Promotion and Tenure, hosted by LEAD California, NC Campus Engagement, and the Collaboratory. It is a detailed discussion about advancing efforts to more effectively integrate community engagement in your institution’s promotion and tenure structures, processes, and procedures. ...continue reading "Webinar Recording: Moving Beyond the Policy, Practical Considerations for Tenure Reform"

From IA:

We are just one month away from the 2023 IA National Gathering! An online program-in-progress is available to view the schedule at a glance and session titles. We are thankful to our organizing partners, College Unbound, AS220, and the City of Providence’s Departments of Art, Culture and Tourism and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging for their efforts to organize this incredible event. It’s not too late to register! We hope you will join us for three full days of learning together. ...continue reading "Register Now: Imagining America Conference on “Radical Reckoning: Invoking the Elements for Collective Change”"

Transform Mid-Atlantic is hosting its latest JEDI-CCE Institute on "Cultivating Campus Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion" Thursday, November 2nd from 9:00 am-3:30pm at Towson University.  Register here.  ...continue reading "Register Now: Transform Mid-Atlantic JEDI-CCE Institute"

Community-Campus Partnerships for Health is hosting community forums on "Co-Creating Community-Centered Emergency Action Plans" on October 3rd, 23rd, and 25th from 5-6:30pm.  The meetings will be held virtually.  Register here.  ...continue reading "Register Now: Co-Creating Community-Centered Emergency Action Plans Forum"

The Community Based Global Learning Collaborative is hosting an institute on "expanding our local and international understanding of global positionality, responsibility, and opportunity" on November 10th and 11th at Haverford College outside of Philadelphia.  Register here. ...continue reading "Register Now: Community Based Global Learning Collaborative Institute"

Last Tuesday (9/14/23), the Nashman Center brought together local and regional researchers and practitioners to share effective practices and explore together how to sustain individualized education and high-impact tutoring once the recovery funds are no longer available.

The day included keynote remarks from Cindy Marten, US Department of Education Deputy Secretary, who shared her appreciation for the example set by the Nashman Center's programs engaging students as high-impact tutors, particularly the intensive training provided by the Math Matters program.

...continue reading "Nashman Center Hosts “Partnering to Sustain High-Impact Tutoring”"