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The IJRSLCE Editors have issued a call for manuscripts for Volume 8 of the International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. The Editors are seeking submissions that reflect the breadth of scholarship in the service-learning and community engagement field, with articles from different disciplines and countries, reflecting a range of methodologies.
The Journal has five main sections: (1) Advances in Theory and Methodology; (2) Community Partnerships and Impacts; (3) Faculty Roles and Institutional Issues; (4) International Service-Learning and Community Engagement Research; and (5) Student Outcomes – Primary, Secondary, and Higher Education. In addition, there is a Book Review section.
The Author Guidelines are available at the IJRSLCE website; submissions are managed by ScholasticaHQ. To submit a manuscript, registration on the site is required. The deadline for submissions for Volume 8 is May 15, 2020.

Registration is now open for the 2020 IUPUI Research Academy.

"Convened from May 13-15, 2020 on the IUPUI campus, the Research Academy is an intense, interactive 3-day workshop designed to develop research, assessment, and evaluation skills, learn about methods, and develop a research and/or assessment project on high impact practices or other engaged learning. Convened since 2009, the Research Academy historically focused on service learning research.  However, beginning in 2019 the Research Academy has expanded its scope to cover other types of high impact practices and engaged learning (e.g., themed learning communities, ePortfolios, global engagement)."

If you want to learn more, please read this article:

Contact Tom Hahn ( if you have any questions. 

Register for the Research Academy at:



Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life and Tulane University has announced their 2020 National Gathering will be held October 9-11 in New Orleans, less than one month before the national Presidential election. The two organizations will work with local institutions and leaders in organizing this dynamic national conference. 
"The Imagining America (IA) Gathering is an annual convening of public scholars, artists, students, designers, and leaders who are addressing critical public issues through creative cultural organizing, collaborative research, and engaged learning. The conference offers participants a three-day immersive experience in which to connect, dialogue, learn, and strategize around the ways to build new knowledge and inspire collective imagination towards transformative education and action.
New Orleans will serve as a powerful context in which to showcase local and global work around this year’s Gathering themes of displacement and movements."