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This event was held Friday, November 13, 2-3pm, as a talk at the GW Diversity Summit, sponsored by the Nashman Center.

The recording is available at this link, using the password:  link by using the password: DSgwu2020!

Dr. Mitchell is a national thought-leader in community engaged scholarship, particularly with respect to issues of social justice, inclusion, and critical reflection. In this talk she connects personal and professional reflections on current events, in particular the murder of George Floyd which occurred just blocks from her home, and what comes next for the community engagement movement. Link here for more information about Dr. Mitchell's work with links to some of her most influential publications. 

The application deadline has been extended to November 20, 2020, by 5 pm EST. Click here for more information.

"Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) has partnered with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to award the RWJF Award for Health Equity Presented By CCPH (RWJF-CCPH Award). This award highlights the power and potential of community-campus partnerships successfully using systems and policy change needed to overcome the root causes of health, social, environmental, and economic inequalities.

The award recognizes two “Key Leaders” or key individuals (one community member and one academic partner) who spearhead the success to the field in the area of exemplary partnerships between communities and academic institutions that are striving to achieve health equity and social justice."

Understanding Community Based Research for Older Adults: Working from the Ground Up will be facilitated by Robert Turner, PhD, Wednesday, November 18 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. Registration is required to receive the webinar link.

...continue reading "Webinar: Community Based Research and Older Adults"

Join Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) on February 17-18, 2021, for their next online convening, “Data on Purpose: Democracy, Civil Society & Digital Technology,” as data scientists, nonprofit leaders, policy makers, and other experts come together to identify digital technologies that can help solve critical social issues, reduce inequities, and empower informed, democratic participation.

Find out more and register.

The last #CompactNationPod of the season is about the Activist Academic. The episode includes a conversation with authors and activists Colette Cann and Eric DeMeulenaere.

Youth Voter Turnout 52%-55%

From the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE): Explore the comprehensive data and analyses of youth participation and impact on the 2020 election.

"As our comprehensive data and analyses below make clear, young voters increased their turnout in 2020; they made the difference in key battleground states; and the participation and overwhelming support for President-elect Joe Biden from youth of color was one of the defining elements of the election."

Click here to read the full report.

The Nashman Center is sponsoring a very special talk by Tania Mitchell at next week’s GW Diversity Summit, Friday, November 13, 2-3pm, Register Here (NOTE: this is an updated link).

Dr. Tania Mitchell is an internationally recognized scholar in community engagement and higher education. She also happens to live just blocks from where George Floyd was murdered. She experienced that event, and the activism that followed, from the perspective of both a community member and a scholar of community engagement. In her talk, she will share that unique intersection of perspectives with us, along with the lessons that can inform our next steps as citizens and educators. 

...continue reading "Dr. Tania Mitchell to Speak Nov 13th, 2pm"

The first meeting of this University Seminar will be held: Friday, November 13, 10-11:30am, Register here

Members of the GW and DC communities are invited to join this important conversation, a new Interdisciplinary University Seminar on "Addressing Income Inequality and Creating a Coalition for Action." This session will engage participants in break-out discussion groups about opportunities for collective action. The conveners represent GW's School of Nursing, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, and the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design.

The Institute for Democracy and Higher Education shares the following message for faculty, around discussions and teaching around the election, and post-election safety.

...continue reading "Post-Election Discussions and Safety: Institute for Democracy and Higher Education Weighs In"

SSSP's 71st Annual Meeting will be held August 6-8, 2021 at the Swissôtel Chicago in Chicago, IL. The theme for the meeting, selected by President Corey Dolgon, is Revolutionary Sociology: Truth, Healing, Reparations and Restructuring. In addition to the in-person annual meeting, SSSP is excited to be adding up to 60 virtual sessions. The pandemic has opened up new options for SSSP to build an even stronger and more substantive international organization, but to meet these challenges and opportunities SSSP needs a strong core of members.

Click here to review the Call for Papers. Click here to view the Student Paper Competitions and Outstanding Scholarship Awards announcement to submit a paper or nominate a book, article, or scholar. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SSSP's office,

...continue reading "Call for Papers: Society for the Study of Social Problems"

Coalition for Community Writing (CCW) Zoom Lecture Series 2020-2021

Thank you to Phyllis Ryder for sharing this opportunity. The CCW series strives to foster conversations about community literacy, partnership, and activism within departments, programs, and courses nationwide. The CCW Lecture Series is designed to provide opportunities for programs and departments to engage in discussions on the praxis of community writing. Each lecture will occur through Zoom and cost $300 per lecture. All proceeds from the Lecture series are used to support CCW’s staff and programming. To schedule a lecture or to suggest a topic/speaker, please contact CCW Director Veronica House here.

...continue reading "Coalition for Community Writing Lecture Series"

"This short paper, released in collaboration with the American Council on Education (ACE), provides a checklist for higher education professionals looking to make the most of the waning days of the 2020 election season. In it, you'll find resources ranging from issue guides and logistical support to data tools and information for working on complex issues, like voter intimidation."’s-still-time-act-here’s-how

Here is the recording from the webinar. Passcode: I!6?T&cm. In addition to the recording, below are new data points that are meant to add to and clarify what was discussed earlier:

...continue reading "Webinar: Covid-19 and Racial Inequity in the Greater Washington Nonprofit Sector"

Next week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) will discuss How City Governments Are Innovating for Full Participation. Amaad Rivera, NCoC's own, will host the event and be joined by municipal leaders from Wisconsin and New York to share and discuss the most innovative solutions from city government to increase voter registration, voter turnout, and ensuring a full Census count in the midst of a pandemic. Learn more and register here.

January 20-23, "Join thousands of other committed and forward-thinking campus leaders at all levels and from institutions of all types for the 2021 American Association of Colleges & University’s (AAC&U) Annual Meeting to explore the most pressing questions now facing higher education, to share effective educational practices and explore new financial models, and to work out together what undergraduate education will look like in a post-pandemic future." Click here to learn more.

...continue reading "2021 AAC&U Virtual Annual Meeting: Revolutionizing Higher Education after COVID-19"