Sarah Malinowski, GWU biomedical engineering alumna, traveled to Ukraine to improve her prosthetic knee prototype with input from amputees injured from Russia's war in Ukraine. Sarah co-started her own company, Seamless Transition, LLC, to build a prosthetic so amputees, especially veterans and active duty military members, could resume their active lifestyles. Check out the article in GW Today.
Category: Good Reads
Articles, new toolkits or other resources related to CES.
Good Reads: Universities and Community Schools Journal Vol. 11, No.1- Graduate Student Issue
The Universities and Community Schools Journal has released its newest graduate student issue. This issue of Universities and Community Schools features seven articles written largely by graduate students whose scholarship involves community-engaged research, particularly with local public schools. It includes the perspectives and experiences of students from a range of disciplines, geographies, and institutional types. Check out the publication here.
Register Now: Free Webinar on Data-Driven Program Evaluation
The non-profit learning lab is hosting free webinars throughout the summer on a variety of topics. Their next webinar is on data driven program evaluation reporting. Register for this and upcoming webinars here.
Good Reads: How the Overturning of Roe is upending medical training in the United States
The AAC&U has published a new article by Marylyn Cooper on "How the Overturning of Roe is upending medical training in the United States" read more.
Resources and Good Reads: Fundraising Strategies for Endowed Centers, Professorships, and Programs
A Good Watch: The First Step
We highly recommend this film by DC Documentarians Brandon (director) and lance (producer) Kramer, "The First Step."
"In a divided America, progressive activist and political commentator Van Jones controversially works across party lines on landmark criminal justice reform and a more humane response to the addiction crisis. Attempting to be a bridge builder in a time of extreme polarization takes Van and a coalition of unlikely allies deep into the inner workings of a divisive administration, internal debates within both parties, and the lives of frontline activists fighting for their communities."
"THE FIRST STEP is now widely available to view at home on: Apple TV+, Google Play, and Youtube Movies & TV, in addition to Amazon, where the film currently has a 100% Five-Star Rating."
Good Reads: 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress in Civics for Eighth-Graders
This morning, the National Center for Education Statistics released results from the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in Civics for 8th graders. Unfortunately, flatlining, failing achievement on the preeminent national measure of students’ civic knowledge and skills was predictable given the lack of investment in K–12 civics and a failure to prioritize the subject through established policies. ...continue reading "Good Reads: 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress in Civics for Eighth-Graders"
Good Reads: Aligning Open Educational Resources and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The American Association of Colleges and Universities has published new research on using open educational Resources as a strategy for improving diversity, equity, and inclusion. "Leveraging Open Educational Resources to Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Guide for Campus Change Agents is designed to support the integration of OER and DEI efforts within higher education institutions". Read the published work here. The AAC&U also hosted a webinar on the research a recording of the webinar can be viewed here.
What We’re Reading: The Scholar as Human, Research and Teaching for Public Impact
We found this to be an energizing read and encourage you to check it out.
From the publisher:
The Scholar as Human brings together faculty from a wide range of disciplines—history; art; Africana, American, and Latinx studies; literature, law, performance and media arts, development sociology, anthropology, and Science and Technology Studies—to focus on how scholarship is informed, enlivened, deepened, and made more meaningful by each scholar's sense of identity, purpose, and place in the world. Designed to help model new paths for publicly-engaged humanities, the contributions to this groundbreaking volume are guided by one overarching question: How can scholars practice a more human scholarship?
This work can be downloaded free from this link.
RSVP Now: 2023 Nancy Weiser Ignatius Lecture on the Environment With Ramón Cruz
Join American University in a lecture given by Sierra Club president Ramón Cruz on improving the global environment. After the lecture, Cruz will speak with SIS professor Simon Nicholson, and an audience Q&A will follow the discussion. The event will take place Tuesday, April 4 · 6 - 8pm EDT at American University, School of International Service, Founders Room. Click here to learn more and register.
Register Now: The Greensboro Experience: A Public Health Lens on Refugee Health Disparity During a Pandemic
Join the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health for their webinar on a public health lens on refugee health disparity during a pandemic. This webinar includes a panel of community and academic experts from Greensboro to discuss the impact COVID has had on this minoritized community, reveal their unique barriers to COVID vaccine uptake, and inspire equitable community engagement with practitioners and researchers to include refugees in their research and work. The webinar will be held on April 4th, 2023 from 12:00-4:00 pm. Register for the webinar here
Register Now: Supply Chain Across Borders a GDIT Career Networking Event
Join the Elliot School of International Affairs and General Dynamics Information Technology Inc in a panel discussion and networking event on Supply Chain Across Borders. This event will explore how current events are impacting global supply chain issues. Hear from Flor Aguilar Kim, Tamika Abbott, Laura D'Antonio, and Alex McGuire. The advice will take place on April 11 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Elliot School of International Affairs State Room. Click here to register.
Apply Now: 2023 Transform Mid Atlantic AmeriCorps VISTA Opportunities
Through their partnership with AmeriCorps, Transform Mid Atlantic aims to address poverty throughout the Mid-Atlantic region by placing AmeriCorps VISTA members within projects at member institutions and community-based organizations. Their work is focused on strengthening communities and developing their own skills as engaged leaders. Click here to view placement options.
...continue reading "Apply Now: 2023 Transform Mid Atlantic AmeriCorps VISTA Opportunities"
Good Reads: Latest Issue of Metropolitan Universities Journal The Pedagogy of Place-Based Initiatives and Anchor Institutions
Read the latest issue of Metropolitan Universities journal (MUJ), Vo
Register Now: Webinar on Health Equity through Community Engagement
Join the GivePulse staff, campus representatives from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Eastern Virginia Medical School for a webinar about how campuses address health equity and social determinants of health in their communities and they use GivePulse to do so. The webinar will take place on Tuesday, March 28th at 2 pm eastern/11 am pacific. To learn more and register click here.