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"The Journal of Participatory Research Methods (JPRM) is a transdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal focused on the methods, techniques and processes of participatory research, evaluation and design."

...continue reading "New, The Journal of Participatory Research Methods"

Through their partnership with The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) and the UNC Center for Health Equity Research (CHER), Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) received a NIH Grant to expand COVID-19 testing and "aims to build innovative and sustainable solutions to expand test access and uptake in underserved and vulnerable communities." To learn more, please click here to read the full article.

...continue reading "Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s recent grant"

Register for The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education's (AASHE) virtual conference, October 20-22.

...continue reading "AASHE’s Upcoming Session on Community-Engaged Research"

Voices DMV is a local civic engagement initiative by the Greater Washington Community Foundation. This initiative included a regional survey in partnership with Gallup, a series of Social Justice Town Halls, and Community Action Awards. Their new report, Voices DMV: Community Insights is an important read to inform campus-community partnerships and learn more about our city and region. Link here for a PDF of the full report, as well as data by jurisdiction.

This week, the Nashman Faculty Weekly Check-in meeting featured guest speaker Ben Horn, an Instructional Technologist from the CREATE Digital Studio, of GW's Libraries and Academic Innovation. Ben provided an overview of the applications available to GW faculty and students in Adobe Creative Cloud. These applications make it easy to create digital media content like digital stories and videos. Given this overview, I thought I'd share some of the resources available on using digital storytelling for service-learning/community engaged scholarship reflection assignments. 

...continue reading "Digital Storytelling for Student Reflection Assignments"

The Bonner Foundation and Scott Myers-Lipton, a Professor of Sociology at San Jose State University, will offer a series of training and support resources designed to grow the number of faculty and staff who integrate social action into an academic course or a co-curricular fellowship program. 

...continue reading "Social Action Course Development Program"

In their recent article, The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) finds that "youth voter registration is up from 2016, but lagging for youngest eligible voters."

...continue reading "Findings from CIRCLE’s voter registration data"

"This year will be virtual and provide a valuable opportunity for instructors and teaching assistants from across GW to build community and learn from each other’s experiences. Attendees will hear from colleagues across the university in brief lightning talks and from experts in a roundtable. The day will close with an interactive demonstration of active learning exercises and a session on resources to support students." Register here.

...continue reading "Teaching Day 2020"

...continue reading "Join the Corcoran School of the Arts & Design, Visualizing Data: Engaging Audiences Beyond the Numbers"

Upcoming webinars about voting will be hosted by Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights, an initiative of Scholars Strategy Network

...continue reading "Upcoming webinars, Faculty Network for Student Voting Rights"

Local community partners as well as members of the GW community are being offered a great opportunity with GW’s Art Therapy Graduate Program. Single workshops or a weekly workshop series can be designed for specific audiences, including teachers, frontline workers, parents, students, older adults, or volunteer staff.

Masters students in this program will provide therapeutic art workshops, delivered virtually through Zoom. The students will develop the workshops through a practicum course, with oversight from their professors.

Students can work with you to develop the topics for the GW community (faculty, staff, students) as well. Coordinators are needed to help the students develop an understanding of the intended audience, and provide outreach to potential workshop participants. Examples of workshops typical for an art therapy program include:

  • Managing stress through art-making
  • Using art in the fight for racial justice
  • Art-making for self-care under pressure
  • Creating connections with art
  • Coping with the unexpected using art
  • Honoring our losses through art
  • Art as communication: When words don’t work
  • Visual storytelling in COVID times

If you are interested in working with a pair of students to develop workshops for one of your audiences, contact Lisa Garlock,

Prof. Garlock will be hosting an information session for those interested in learning more about this opportunity:

Thursday, October 1, at 10am. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 771 9545 0328
Passcode: 7SnhRP


This week's Faculty Check-in meeting featured Tricia Arnold from GW's Instructional Core. Tricia presented a follow-up from her summer workshop on facilitating reflection discussions in an online course. She shared a Blackboard template and how to use it. The template addresses the "quality matters" elements of good course design. We will discuss further if a community engagement module for this template would be helpful for our group of faculty. 

A zipfile with the Blackboard template, the recording of Tricia describing how to install and use it are in our shared folder. Additionally, this folder has the recording and presentation slides from her summer workshop on facilitating reflection discussions in online courses: