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From March 25-26, the Urban Transformation Symposium will take place centered around the theme, “Sustaining a Chocolate City Without All Its Blues.” 

The virtual symposium, which has taken place since 2009, will foster conversations between anthropologists, sociologists, criminologists, legal scholars, African American Studies scholars, retired Black male and female police officers, and other community experts on the processes of gentrification, urban design, rights to the city, and racialized police violence.  

A full itinerary will be sent to those that register. Register for the symposium here

The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL), in partnership with the Haas Center for Public Service and UC-Berkeley Public Service Center, invites proposals for a special section that explores the impact of postsecondary efforts that involve students in public service and civic engagement on the development of healthy civic identities. The section will be included in the Summer 2023 issue of MJCSL. ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning"

AAC&U Institutes offer opportunities for teams and individuals to develop and exchange approaches and strategies in support of advancing campus change initiatives. 

Institutes for Campus Teams: AAC&U’s team-based institutes offer campus teams a time and place for sustained collaborative work on a project of importance to their campuses, along with a curriculum focused on important trends, research, and best practices delivered by a resident faculty of educational experts and consultants.

Institutes for Individuals: AAC&U also offers institutes for individual STEM faculty and administrators engaged in leading projects aimed at transforming undergraduate STEM education in their classrooms, departments, and institutions.

Click here to learn more. 

CUMU’s most recent issue of the Metropolitan Universities Journal highlights several articles written about new approaches to academia in response to Covid-19. Listed below are the articles included in the issue. ...continue reading "Good Reads: Metropolitan Universities Journal, Covid-19 Innovations through Crises "

Register now for the 2022 SLCE Conference titled: Our Unfinished Work: Creating Equity through Service-Learning and Civic and Community Engagement. The event will take place from Tuesday, April 5th - Wednesday, April 6th, 2022.

The conference will provide community engaged practitioners, faculty, administrators, community partners, and students an opportunity to reflect and learn about how justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) can be advanced through the collective efforts of our member institutions’ civic and community engagement initiatives and programming.

The 2022 SLCE Conference will:

  • Bring student, faculty, and community leaders of SLCE together for leadership development in the field
  • Provide cross pollination and celebration of effective practices
  • Create opportunity for community partner leaders to join in conversation about deepening impact and engagement

To learn more about the event click here.

The Nashman Center's 2022 Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) are off to a great start. This year includes an FLC examining CBPR in Health, with participants from Medicine and Health Sciences, Public Health, Nursing, and Organizational Learning. Topics to be explored this year include: building equitable partnerships, methods, dissemination, funding, sustainability, and more. Nashman Center FLC's meet monthly for one year, connecting faculty across disciplines with a shared interest in community engaged scholarship issues.

More information is available on our GWServes CBPR Subgroup. Contact FLC Chair Erin Wentzell (Physical Therapy program) to join us.

Explore the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)’s Special Issue Volume 27, Issue 1 titled, “Centering Social Justice in the Scholarship of Community Engagement.”  ...continue reading "Good Reads: The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL)"

On Thursday, February 24th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET, The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) in collaboration with the National Center for Institutional Diversity at the University of Michigan will host a conversation titled, “Centering Social Justice in the Scholarship of Community Engagement.”  ...continue reading "Sign Up Now: Centering Social Justice in Community Engagement "

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) released a new report that examines how undergraduate learning and student success are affected by “an institution’s common learning outcomes and commitment to equity as well as by specific educational experiences and assessment practices.” ...continue reading "Good Reads: AAC&U Report on Practices that Shape Student Learning "

HumanitiesDC is now accepting applications for the following grant programs: 

Humanitini Curator Grant – HumanitiesDC is offering the opportunity for you to present your original humanities research through the Humanitini Curator Grant. Each Curator creates a public humanities event based on their research or area of expertise. As part of the application, prospective curators need to fully describe this research topic, and where it is situated within a wider humanities field. Applicants may request up to $5,000.

DC Community Heritage Project Grant – The DC Community Heritage Project (DCCHP) Grant provides residents and groups at the grassroots level the chance to capture the culture and narratives of their own communities through public humanities projects, such as: written publications, documentary films, websites, lesson plans, tours, and many more. As part of the grant program, these projects are also showcased annually in a culminating event. Applicants may request up to $10,000.

DC DOCS Partnership Grant – DC DOCS provides financial resources to established filmmakers interested in telling a humanities story about Washington, DC through a documentary feature (greater than 40 minutes long) or short film (capped at 40 minutes including credits). Applicants may request up to $35,000.

Humanities Vision Partnership Grant – HumanitiesDC’s Humanities Vision Grants provide financial resources to community organizations interested in creating innovative interpretations of humanities scholarship for public audiences. Applicants may request between $5,000 and $30,000.

Click here for more info.

The Engagement Scholarship Consortium seeks proposals for their upcoming conference on Sep 21 and 22 of 2022. The annual meeting will return as an in-person gathering and will explore the theme of “The Impact of Engaged Scholarship: People, Purpose, and Passion.”  ...continue reading "Call for Proposals: The Engagement Scholarship Consortium"

The Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU) invites proposals for their Annual Conference: The Essential Role of Urban and Metropolitan Universities.  The event will be held from October 23-26 in San Diego, California. 

The Conference “invites presenters to reflect broadly on how the urban mission can be fully integrated into operations, structure, partnerships, and academic objectives within the following major themes.

  • Cultivating resilient campuses in the midst of crisis
  • Inclusive growth and housing 
  • Industry engagement and entrepreneurship
  • K-16 student success and support 
  • Place-based hyperlocal community engagement 
  • Racial equity and social mobility 
  • Regional collaborations and partnerships
  • Workforce and talent development 

Submissions are due March 25. For more information on proposal guidelines and event details, click here

The American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) is partnering with higher education institutions to develop Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Centers (TRHT) to “prepare the next generation of strategic leaders and critical thinkers to promote racial healing and to catalyze efforts to address current inequities grounded in notions of a racial hierarchy.” ...continue reading "Save the Date: 2022 Institute on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation"